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Impact of import and export on the economic growth of Sweden Literature review
Effect of import and fare on the financial development of Sweden - Literature audit Example Sweden, additionally now and again known by t...
Wednesday, December 25, 2019
I Am Grateful For What You Have Your Life - 1025 Words
It is so important to be grateful for what you have in your life. Be grateful for what you have right now, and you will simply be living a happier life. People that fill their lives with complaining, fill their lives with stress. We almost go through our day looking for things to complain about. Once you change that and have a positive outlook, lots of that stress will go away. Be grateful, positive, live in the now, because on a moments notice it can all be taken away. This took me a long time before I realized this for myself. The first memories that I can recall, are in the ambulance. Due to the collision and the impact to my head, I had lost my sight for the moment. I could feel my body completely strapped down, to what I soon figured out was a gurney. At the beginning not knowing I was restrained, I struggled to free myself. As I struggled pain filled my neck and shoulder. The pain was so intense that even the smallest movement of my head would shoot a sharp pain int o my neck. I was totally confused and had no idea what had happened to me. I listened as I heard paramedics talking around me. They begin strapping a brace to my neck. As they put it on pain once again filled my neck. I tried to communicate to the paramedics, but it was difficult to form my words. I know what I wanted to say, but it was near impossible to actually speak it. Moments later I passed out. I woke up again in a hospital bed. I glanced down and saw I was in a hospital gown.Show MoreRelatedWhat Makes A Blessing?1155 Words  | 5 Pagesneed bravery to be grateful, but we do indeed need to be brave, because it’s very hard to point out one’s own failure to be thankful. Gratitude softens our hearts to where they are more pliable in the hands of a loving God. Hard hearts are generally ungrateful, so asking God to make us brave enough to see where we are lacking gratitude is a worthy endeavor and surely pleases our Father in heaven. Examine your life. Are there any gratitude shortcomings? In my own life, I know that I need to work on givingRead MoreMy Rule Of Life Plan857 Words  | 4 Pagescompares our rule of life similar to a plant. I believe that every person is meant to evolve and grow throughout the course of their lifetime. If everyone has a set of principles that he or she live by that will keep them in check to make sure they are on the right path. I compare my rule of life to a puzzle that comes together. Moreover, or a person can describe it as a daily check list that keeps them in check. Here is my Rule of life. The First Thing to my Rule of Life Plan The first thingRead MoreWhy I Don t Have An Idol894 Words  | 4 Pagesding. I rush out the door to get to my next class. Walking through the halls of the high school alone, passing everyone in my field of vision, only to be looked at differently. Some people may find that badly, some people cringe when told they’re different, and most people are dying to fit in. But I am unlike most, I strive to be different! I am neither a leader nor a follower. So â€Å"what am I?†You ask. I am myself, I don’t base my decisions off of other’s opinions, I don’t have an idol that I ventureRead MoreEssay about Pursuing Life Goals1263 Words  | 6 Pageshis address, Jobs said†you cant connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something  your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever.†(Jobs, 2005) This piece advice is simple to understand intellectually, but it also proves difficult to follow. Many people need to understand how they can achieve their dreams before they endeavor to follow them. I delayed returning to schoolRead MoreMy Best Friend Essay722 Words  | 3 Pagesfriends and we have known each other since the fifth grade. Even though we may look a little different, some people may think we are sisters. I am grateful for the times we share, the memories we have, and the things we will do in the future together. I am grateful for you. I hope you know how much, and if you don’t, hopefully this letter will show you. You make me smile, you make me laugh, you are there for me, always. You are an amazing person who has many special qualities. You are sweet, kindRead MoreNotes On Nature Keeps Us Alive1356 Words  | 6 Pages11. Nature Nature keeps us alive, so it is something that I am totally thankful for. The trees give us oxygen. The rivers, lakes, and oceans give us water. The beauty of it fills our souls and makes us happy. The sound of it relaxes us. There is so much to be thankful for about nature. I am grateful for every day I got to experience it. 12. My Mind I have a friend who has a brother that has an illness where he can t comprehend things or speak. He has been living physically for over 45 yearsRead More Grooms Wedding Speech - Damn Statistics Essay562 Words  | 3 Pages Ladies and gentleman, I have to be honest with you all and admit that I am quite nervous about standing up here and speaking this evening. While I was writing my speech I came across some interesting statistics about what guests are thinking about during a wedding speech. Apparently, twenty percent of you are thinking about getting onto the dance floor and partying the night away. Thirty percent of you are thinking about the marital status of the best man. Ladies, you may be pleased to know thatRead MorePersonal Philosophy Essay 873 Words  | 3 PagesThe older I have gotten the more I have realized what really describes me as a person. I have been put through many tasks and challenges that were meant to change the way my personality tree has grown. School, friendship, losses, and gains have formed the clay I call my life and I am grateful for what my life has cooked up for me. These challenges have shown me what matters the most in life and what matters the least. More importantly they have shaped the way my personality is put into context todayRead MoreThe Visualization Practice Of Visualization966 Words  | 4 PagesVisualization Practice I wanted to this a practice of visualization together. First I want to try a practice of visualization as a way to calm our thoughts and feelings. Close your eyes. You are now in a calm, relaxed state of being. To deepen this state you can imagine yourself travelling into space. Visualize yourself drifting weightlessly and effortlessly through space. See the deep blue-black color of space all around you. Watch the stars and planets slowly recede as you move past them furtherRead MoreEvent Changed My Life1514 Words  | 7 PagesI want to share with you five things that I implemented into my life that created amazing, compounding change, and completely shifted the direction and energy of my life. I came to them through reading, talking with others, and taking an honest look at my circumstances and the chain of events that led me to be where I was. I was discouraged by the drudgery, loneliness, and lack of direction I found embedded in my day to day experience. I used the wisdom and experience of many to create a plan of
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Who s Got No Game - 966 Words
Reflecting on the topic of Men In Relationships, Neill Korobov’s article He’s Got No Game (2009) was particularly interesting to me, specifically the concept of the â€Å"lovable loser.†This archetype is en vogue in a vast majority of comedic films for more than a decade. More recent examples are typified by actors like Seth Rogen, Jonah Hill, and Jay Baruchel, to name just a few. In spite of how prolific this emerging masculine character has become, Korobov rightly states that this persona is unlikely to be employed by any males other than younger white guys. Unsurprisingly, the aforementioned movie genre is targeted towards this very demographic. This conjures questions of whether life imitates art, or vice versa. We know from Holt Thompson’s writing that men consume their particular brand of masculinity, and this â€Å"loveable loser anti-hero†is no exception. Korobov’s approach to understanding emerging masculinities through discursive analysis is fascinating -- although observing actual human behaviour can be considered far more accurate, the ways in which we speak about things have a certain creative power. The things that we say off the cuff are often an accurate reflection of the culture we live in. In Korobov’s study, he explained that he did his best to create an environment where young men’s discourse could emerge naturally, but we know intuitively that such an attempt is fraught with many difficulties which can include observer bias, impression management, andShow MoreRelated316 (4-5). Ms. Matthews . English Iv. 24 April 2017 . How1096 Words  | 5 Pageschanged over time when African Americans were able to join the game of baseball in the ear ly 1840s when the game of baseball started. Only African American were able to play the game of baseball due to segregation. Most people did not even want African Americans to play baseball in the MLB they could have their own league but,not with whites because no blacks were allowed to communicate with them. Alexander Cartwright invented the game of baseball and the U.S Congress gave African Americans createdRead MoreThe Nfl Preseason Is Finally Under Way And I m Essay956 Words  | 4 Pagesthe fantasy news for tonight s contests. From seeing Marcus Mariota s first professional preseason snaps to the Denver Broncos traveling to CenturyLink Field in Seattle, Washington, I ll have all the news for you below: Tennessee Titans vs. Atlanta Falcons Falcons quarterback, Matt Ryan, came out guns slinging for just one possession tonight. Ryan looked fantastic throwing 6-of-6 completions for 86 yards and a touchdown. Falcons wide receiver, Julio Jones, got the start as well tonight. LikeRead MoreBaseball... America’S Pastime, Many People Dream Of Playing1656 Words  | 7 PagesBaseball... America’s pastime, many people dream of playing baseball in America and few make it to the majors. The book â€Å"The Natural†by Bernard Malamud followed the story of Roy Hobbs, a man who just wanted to play baseball. That was Roy Hobbs’ dream, to be the greatest ball player ever. Roy was drafted into baseball and started on the New York Knights. He played his first year and was the greatest ball player in his league, but his choices, jealousy, cockiness, and greed impacted his career. EverybodyRead MoreDescriptive Essay - Original Writing1221 Words  | 5 PagesINTRO I was in the car waiting for my mom to drop me off at practice so I can be ready for the game tomorrow. I was there I got out of the car and said by to my mom â€Å"ok boo boo talk to you later†My mom said â€Å"I said ok See you after practice†Zade shouted as he walk towards the field so I was walking to the field and I saw this guy in a black ford truck and he was sitting there with a guy in a ford with tinted windows I could just barely see him in the vehicle I saw that there was 2 people inRead MoreThe Effects Of Video Games On Children Essay1736 Words  | 7 PagesEffects of Video Games We see it everywhere we go, video games. Kids and adults are being captivated over the new video games that are coming out. Call of Duty, Battlefield,Uncharted; these are the games that people are enjoying and becoming fascinated with. What do all of those things have in common? There is only one answer and that is violence. Fighting, shooting, killing, these are the things that video games bring to the table and stimulate people s minds. We should ask ourselves whetherRead MoreThe West Virginia University Baseball Program794 Words  | 4 PagesMORGANTOWN, W.Va.--After Wednesday s deflating 9-0 loss to Canisius, the morale of the West Virginia University baseball program was at a low point. But in the face of adversity the Mountaineers showed just what they were made of. As I just told those guys 24 hours ago, that was as low a point as I ve had since I ve been here, head coach Randy Mazey said. And Derek Matlock has been with me the whole time and that s what we talked about, in the office today. That s as low as you can feel as a baseballRead MoreLooking At A Game Night Social Consisting Mainly Of Country Boys Essay1055 Words  | 5 Pagesdiversify myself by going to a game night social consisting mainly of country boys. It was not hosted by SUU, my friend had told me if I wanted to go with her. I said yes because it sounded like the type of people I would not usually socialize with. Not because I don t like them but because we have nothing in common. All I knew is that it was a social, we were going to play games, and get to know new people. So we went, It was at one of the guy s house, when I got there it was definitely overwhelmingRead MorePersonal Statement About The Gas Station1350 Words  | 6 Pagesrunning up to me and give me a hug, t he other people say hi and carry on with what they were doing. They were flicking a pop can tab across the lobby. I went to the fellowship hall and got a pop from the machine, then we all left. On the road there everybody, but Reese was saying loudly, Charlie repeatedly, then Carl. We got to the Assembly of God in Lafayette, and did some activities. The activities were, Ga-Ga Ball and Basketball. Lauryn and I played a couple rounds of Ga-Ga Ball then sat in the loungingRead MoreSummary Of It s The Zombie Apocalypse ! 983 Words  | 4 PagesWalking Dead. If anyone out of the 17.3 million who is interested in this game then this is for you! This paper is going to persuade all video gamers to go out and buy ‘’The Walking Dead Season 2’’ video game based on the reviews that will come from the Telltale Games Critics, Game Radars, and more. The New York Times calls it,’ The Most Excellent Game! ’that’s in stores now to this day. Warning this game is rated M for mature. Based on the video, Telltale Games proved that Clementine’s story is worth toRead MoreMy Goal Of Dreams - My Goals938 Words  | 4 PagesI always got along with boys and since they liked the same things as me we would play together. We would play football, basketball or my favorite sport soccer. Every afternoon during the summer, all the boys who lived on my street and I would meet at the park to get a game of soccer going. Strikingly, I was always one of the first to be picked for a team. I was exceptionally fast and I had undeniable ball skills. I loved soccer more than anything and I absolutely wouldn’t miss a game for the world
Monday, December 9, 2019
Nintendo Disruptor Being Disrupted free essay sample
In 2010, the video game market’s revenue was US $ 62. 7 billion of which game software revenue accounted for US $ 29. 8 billion. The video game industry was mainly made up of 4 segments: PC gaming, console gaming, handheld gaming and mobile gaming. The video game industry had seen a transition from traditional gaming to multiplayer gaming, social network gaming, free online games and freemium games where full versions required purchase. The consumers now prefer buying games online and getting them digitally delivered via downloads from the internet rather than stored in physical disc formats. The companies now believed in extending the game console’s life cycle by bring in peripherals and add-ons rather than developing an entirely new console. Competitors The three main contenders in this industry were Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft. Nintendo’s competitors had huge financial resources due to their other businesses whereas Nintendo worked solely in the video game industry. Sony and Microsoft started catching up with Nintendo after the runaway success of the Nintendo Wii. We will write a custom essay sample on Nintendo: Disruptor Being Disrupted or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Sony introduces the PS3 and Microsoft developed the Xbox360. Nintendo had used off-the-shelf hardware for Wii and made it suitable for the masses- specially the ‘Moms’. Wii avoided directed competition from next generation game consoles and instead identified a new market by targeting customers who had no or little interest in gaming. Along with Wii, Nintendo introduced motion sensing gaming, Wii Remote. Nintendo’s competitors, Sony and Microsoft started with the Playstation(PS) and Xbox respectively. They started catching up by bringing in advanced versions of the same being PS3 and Xbox360. Sony also introduced Playstation Portable and PS vita, both handheld game devices. Then it moved on to motion sensing with PS Move and PS Eye. Microsoft introduced Kinect to catch up in the motion sensing run. But these were not the real challenges or threats faced by Nintendo. The Real Challenge/Threat Third party game developers had entered the video game industry. They developed game engines which supported Sony and Microsoft’s products but not Nintendo products. Also Giants like Apple and Google brought in mobile gaming. Apple launched products with iOS which supported mobile gaming and was very friendly to use. The games could be downloaded from the Apple App store. These games were developed by third party game developers. Since it did not require many resources and the entry barriers were reduced by Apple and Google by releasing free software development tools, a huge number of entries happened in this segment. Similary Google had launched Android which was available free and could be used on a variety of devices. Google had the Android Market from where various games could be downloaded. This mobile gaming was eating away the console gaming and handheld gaming markets. Even the PC gaming markets were affected by these developments. Nintendo was capable of producing new technology products and could do everything right but the market was being eaten away by an entirely different segment. It was at this time that Nintendo launched an advanced version of the DS, the 3DS and hence it failed to attract the masses. Recommendations Nintendo can partner with Google or Apple to use their platforms or collaborate with them to come out with something revolutionary and at the same time avoid competitive forces. Nintendo can start its own series of apps and games which can be used on the iOS and android devices to tap the mobile gaming industry. Nintendo should relook at its product development model while focussing more on the software part and developing disruptive gaming softwares as the industry is moving towards mobile gaming. With frequent software updates for the gaming consoles including 3DS Nintendo might attract more gaming enthusiasts.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Romeo and Juliet suffer a number of emotional traumas in the play Essay Example
Romeo and Juliet suffer a number of emotional traumas in the play Essay Romeo and Juliet suffer a number of emotional traumas in the play. Shakespeare uses dramatic devices to increase the audiences sympathy with their suffering and to underline the plays themes. Shakespeare highlights the poor treatment and lack of respect for women in the 16th century. He also points out that there is very little point to human conflict and that violence is not the right answer. I think the most traumatizing event and one which Shakespeare created most sympathy from the audience for Romeo and Juliet was their deaths. Romeo was banished to another Town when a word came to him about the death of Juliet. Friar Lawrence and Juliet had planned for Juliet to fake her death so that she could leave Verona with Romeo. Romeo was not aware of this plan so Friar Lawrence sent a letter to Romeo in the town he was banished to only to find out a few days later the letter could not be sent due to an outbreak of plague in Romeos town. Romeo then receiving the message of Juliets death was distraught and stormed back into Verona causing havoc just to be with Juliet on her death bed. Romeo had bought some deadly poison on entry to Verona as he did not feel he could go on in life without Juliet. Romeo ran into the chapel to be where Juliet lay, the place where he would kill himself. We will write a custom essay sample on Romeo and Juliet suffer a number of emotional traumas in the play specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Romeo and Juliet suffer a number of emotional traumas in the play specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Romeo and Juliet suffer a number of emotional traumas in the play specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer He lay by her side and drank the poison only for Juliet to cruelly wake up as he lay on the floor dead with a face of agony. Juliet then purposely takes her own life, a dagger to the stomach with Romeos blade. I think Shakespeare creates the ultimate sympathy for the two characters as they die in front of each other. Juliet describes the dagger as O happy dagger telling the audience that she is pleased it will kill her. Juliet believes that if she is dead she will be closer to Romeo so is happy that the dagger can kill her. Juliet also says to Friar Lawrence where is my Lord referring to Romeo which shows the love she had towards him. Shakespeare has also used dramatic irony here to create sympathy as Juliet does not know Romeo is dead but the Friar and the audience do. This is also a use of religious language which Shakespeare uses through out the play. Another major tool that Shakespeare uses is the prologue of the play where he tells the audience that Romeo and Juliet are going to die which creates sympathy towards Romeo and Juliet before the play even begins. It says The fearful passage of their death marked lovers and A pair of star crossed lovers both take their life. These two sentences tell us that they Romeo and Juliet fall deeply in love but are destined to die, already Shakespeare has used this to create sympathy for Romeo and Juliet. I think the sympathy increases the longer the play continues as the audience watch the pair fall madly in love and they dont know that their going to die. This is also a good example of dramatic as the audience knows Romeo and Juliet are going to die but Romeo and Juliet do not know this. The feud between Juliets family (Capulet) and Romeos family (Montague) also creates sympathy for Romeo and Juliet. Shakespeare mentions the families feud in the prologue saying Two households both alike in dignity From an ancient grudge break new mutiny. These two lines tell us that they are two powerful house holds but they will be betrayed. This already creates lots of sympathy for Romeo and Juliet; because if there was no conflict between the two families none of the events leading up to their deaths would have taken place, Romeo and Juliets relationship would have not had to be a secret. The play begins with a battle between the two houses and eventually later on in the play members of the families are killed which result in disastrous consequences. By starting the play with a fight Shakespeare immediately excites the audience and grabs their attention. This is in a way another dramatic device used by Shakespeare because Romeo and Juliet are aware of their families dislike for ea ch other but do not know what sort of problems this will cause in the future. Tybalts death is another important event in the play which creates sympathy for Romeo and Juliet. Shakespeare creates a dramatic battle between the Montagues and Capulets ending in the death of Mercutio and Tybalt. The two gangs of men meet in a public place and Mercutio and Tybalt begin to fight and eventually Mercutio is killed. In a fit of anger Romeo battles with Tybalt and Kills him enraged. Romeo says And fire-eyed fury be my conduct now which tell the audience just how angry Romeo is with Tybalt.The audience feels sympathy towards Romeo as his best friend has died. When Romeo kills Tybalt he is banished and Juliet is very upset that Romeo is gone. Juliet pretends that she is weeping for Tybalts death; she says to her mother I am not well. This makes us feel sympathy for Juliet as she has to hide her sadness behind her cousins death. Shakespeare has used dramatic irony here because Juliets family does not know why she is crying and think its because Tybalt has died. Juliet is deeply unhappy because she does not know when she will see Romeo and her wedding has been cancelled. Shakespeare has proved a point here about the treatment of women in the 16th century because Juliet is forced to hide her own true feelings and can have no opinion on Romeo banishment. This creates further sympathy for Juliet. The letter that Friar Lawrence sent but did not reach Romeo was also a major part in the play which increased pity towards Romeo and Juliet. This creates sympathy for Romeo and Juliet as Romeo has know knowledge of Juliets death and this eventually leads to Romeo killing himself. On hearing that his letter could not be sent Friar Lawrence says Unhappy fortune! By my brotherhood this tells of his unhappiness that the letter could not be sent and he becomes worried that Romeo does not know of Juliets death. Shakespeare has also ironically used the word fortune as Friar Lawrence has no control over what has happened and is destined to happen to Romeo and Juliet. Shakespeare has used dramatic irony here because Romeo does not know that Juliet has faked her death. This creates lots of sympathy for Romeo as he is dreadfully upset about the death of Juliet and eventually leads to Romeo killing himself. Romeo says Well Juliet I will lie with thee tonight telling the audiences that he is goin g to kill himself, creating sympathy for Juliet. In act III scene 1 comedy takes a dramatic turn to tragedy which makes the audience remember what is destined to happen to Romeo and Juliet and creates more sympathy. When Tybalt and Mercutio die, this sets the scene for the rest of the play and the audience knows that eventually Romeo and Juliet are going to die. This makes even more sympathy for them as the audience realizes they will soon die. This is a major turning point in the play as it takes a serious turn and after this very little comedy is used by Shakespeare. He does this so theres such a big comparison between tragedy and comedy. In conclusion to all the events I studied in the play I found the following things. Shakespeare did nothing accidentally and all the themes of the play were purposely put there. He has clearly purposely highlighted that women were not respected well in the 16th century and had very little say in matters. He has cleverly shown that conflict can lead to needless death and that violence is not the right answer. Overall creating sympathy for Romeo and Juliet was Shakespeares main objective which he completed successfully in this tragic love story. ;
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Billie Holiday (Lady Day) essays
Billie Holiday (Lady Day) essays Billie Holiday,also known as Lady Day was born in Baltimore in 1915. She spent hard time in her childhood. Billie Holiday's grandfather was one of 17 children of a black Virginia slave and a white Irish plantation owner. She was born from 15 year-old father and 13 year-old mother. It is shown in the first line of her famous autobiography Lady Sings the Blues, "Mom and Pop were just a couple of kids when they got married. He was eighteen, she was sixteen, and I was three." Her musician father left the family early, and her mother wasn't able to keep her consistently which resulted in Billie often being put in care or relatives who abused her. She was raped at age of 11, became a prostitute when she was 14, and was arrested for prostitution year after. She moved to New York in 1929 and started working as a maid and a prostitute, and made her singing debut in bars and restaurants. In 1935, she recorded for sides that contains What a Little Moonlight Can Do, and Miss Brown to You, and acquired her recording contract. Lady Day was with Count Basies Orchestra in 1937. However, only three songs from radio broadcast are the all exist works because they were signed to different labels. She also worked with Artie Shaws Orchestra for a while next year, but the same kind of problem happened and only one song was recorded. She had her voice at its strongest during the period with Decca between 1944-1949, and she made her biggest hit with Love Man. Unfortunately, she became addicted to heroin and put in jail just after this period. She became famous, and Lady Day got a chance to make one Hollywood movie in 1964. She was not really pleased by playing maid, she came to perform with Louis Armstrong who is her early idol. After 1950, her story slowly starts declining. Due to the heroin abuse and excessive drinking continued, her voice was deteriorating fast, and by 1956 she was completely past her prime. Her final accomplishm...
Friday, November 22, 2019
How to Write a Good Literature Review Paper
How to Write a Good Literature Review Paper How to Write a Good Literature Review Paper A literature review can differ from other assignments, but it is basically a review, which defines the rationale and the preface regarding the primary research. It is essential that a literature review be included since it is mandatory in a research paper. The basic objective is to examine, while being very critical, a part of a published source from its classification, summary, and assessment by using previous research studies, theoretical studies, and assessment of literature. Meanwhile, while writing the introduction, the scholar needs to define the main topic, the problem or the area or concern, which would give the necessary background for a literature review. The student needs to mention the basic trends which have been written about the topic; or evidence, methodology, conflicts in theory, and conclusions; or scholarship and gaps in research; or different view of immediate interest, or a unique problem. Moreover, the writer’s opinion and point of view needs to be established, the scope, the sequence, and the criterion for analyzing the literature needs to be mentioned. Once you move to the body, you need to combine research articles and different sorts of literature such as case studies, theoretical articles, and reviews, which should all have common factors, such as objectives, author’s conclusions, quantitative versus qualitative approach etc. The writer should summarize all the individual articles, and components, which may include small or large amounts of details, depending on merit. Keep in mind that the length of writing signifies its importance. You need to give the reader well balanced information, and structure in the beginning, body, and conclusion so that there is sufficient comprehension of the knowledge provided. While drafting the conclusion, sum up the main contributions of the important studies, and incorporate them into the main body of the thesis draft, while making sure that the focus and theme created in the beginning of the dissertation is maintained in the writing of the draft. You then need to analyze the existing state of the art regarding the body of information, which has been reviewed. Pick out the main methodological gaps, or errors, while carrying out the research, irregularities in the findings and in theory, and issues and areas which are essential for future study. Conclude the paper by giving some of ideas of the link between the main essence of the literature review and the superior area of study, for example, the profession, scientific endeavor and the discipline. The student needs to make sure that the main elements of the topic are covered, and that the thesis statement is relevant to the text written in the draft. Moreover, there needs to be sufficient attention given to the minor concerns such as good grammar free of mistakes, and correct sentence structure. Also, complete the paper well before the deadline so that there is sufficient time to proofread the paper and make sure that it is in a perfect condition before it is submitted. You can also order such a paper online to find out how a proper literature review paper looks like, and save yourself a lot of stress concerned with reviewing and studying guides. Do not hesitate to ask our service for literature review writing help provided by professionals!
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Civil rights movement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Civil rights movement - Essay Example This was the period that was closely associated with the rise of Black Nationalism. Therefore, in the late 60s, there were several organizations including SCLC, SNCC and NAACP which faced challenges from militant organizations such as the Blank Panther party. Black Nationalism was significantly influenced the pan-African leaders such as Muhammad and Malcolm X (Mcwhorter 17). The proponents of racial liberation usually viewed the African-American freedom struggle as a movement for human rights. The strategy of the Black Panther of picking up the gun revealed some of the sentiments of most of the individuals in the black society. Jackie Robinson was also one of the celebrated individuals in civil rights. This was after the Dodgers participated in the Civil Rights Game on Saturday. Most of the honest citizens were killed together with the black protestors. The civil rights activists used civil disobedience to implement change. For example, Emmett Till who was an African American boy was murdered brutally in Mississippi. He was 14 years old when he was murdered in Mississippi after he was reported to be flirting with a white woman. This brutal murder included torture before the actual killing of the innocent African-American boy. Therefore, the killing of the boy triggered the civil rights movement since; he was beaten and shot by two white men. On the other hand, it was evident that Emmett was disobedient to her mother after she discovered that he had an affair with the white woman (Mcwhorter 19). Additionally, Curt Flood who was a renowned baseball payer for the St. Louis Cardinals was a pivotal player in the team. During this epoch, he refused to accept a trade after the 1969 season. It was quite evident that the trade was closely associated with racism. However, he was unsuccessful after appealing to the Supreme Court in the United States though his legacy still remains alive even after his death (Mcwhorter 23). In 1962, most of the citizens staged a protest wh en the court ordered the University of Mississippi to register black students. The University is also known as Ole Miss. Martin Luther King Jr. was an active minister and a civil rights advocate who had established the nonviolent protest movement. He occasionally led several protests and boycotts regarding human rights in the black society. Martin Luther King Jr. was the most effective boycott leader since; he understood and used several tactics to defend the rights of the black people. This made Martin Luther King Jr. an essential and honored leader amongst the African Americans. In fact, the African Americans throughout the American nation were receiving immense attention when they were fighting for their rights. As stipulated above, the American society was at unease during the 1960s. This violence got worse when the blacks started fighting back violently (Mcwhorter 25). The most illustrious boycott during this era was the protest for jobs and freedom. Malcolm X was also another believer of black rights. According to Malcolm X, the blacks have a right to fight for their lives. Therefore, he was a considerable influence to the young black youths in the society based on the aspect of racism. However, he was not promoting violence as he was always accused by his critics. Before his death, he had published a book regarding black America. During this period, the African
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
The underground chamber of the Colosseum and the functions it was put Essay
The underground chamber of the Colosseum and the functions it was put to use during the first throughout the sixth century. Also - Essay Example This proposal aims at unearthing numerous facts concerning the Coliseum. This architect was initially known as Flavian Amphitheater, one of the biggest amphitheaters that the genius Romans ever constructed. It is indeed the largest in the world. The paper will discuss some facts concerning the Roman Collosseum, which was constructed in the ancient Roman emperor. Presently, the Coliseum represents an exceptional talent, which stands in a somewhat ruined condition. This partial ruin is because of various factors such as human intervention; it still remains one of the popular architects that attract huge numbers of tourists. Colosseum is a good example of an architectural structure in which its form and function are linked inextricably (Maya 1). To demonstrate this, this paper will look at some of the orders, the wall-like structure and the varied intersections of the Colosseum as part of its form and functions. Below is the architecture that will form the basis of my research. (The Col iseum: The gladiators’ bloody Circus stands). 1.2 Small Description of the Roman Colosseum The Roman Colosseum is amongst some of the most extraordinary pieces of architectures in the history of Roman Empire. Most people recognize it for its wicked past of bloody, yet amusing entertainment. Tourists and many other individuals would come on a regular basis to cheer on gladiators taking part the brutal fights against each other and the killing of animals. Many animals were brutally killed and most of these animals were imported from countries like Syria and Africa. It is noteworthy that the Coliseum had death written all over it since a fight would not end if something or someone died. Other spectacles included boxing matches, chariot races, archery contests, and any other type of gruesome episode. Preparation for any event requires time, effort, and space; therefore, I will write about the dissident chamber of the Colosseum and the functions it was put to. Gladiators, imported animals, criminals, and other constructive materials needed for each event were located beneath the ground floor (Wilkinson 145). Gladiators were held in rooms, while the animals were locked up in cages. Also, criminals were executed in the amphitheater, so they were held in cages underground as well. Due to the fact that there were ramps leading to different levels in the underground warren, we can conclude that it was a very deep and spacy area. In addition, I will cover the use and structural architect of trapdoors in the floor that opened at regular intervals to carry animals and people to the arena floor. During and after the second half of the fifth century, the underground chambers had a new function for the Colosseum: it stocked up pieces of the building that had crumpled throughout the years. Ordinarily, the Roman Colosseum is a incredibly attention-grabbing structure that has a barbaric history to it, but the better part of this paper will focus on researching about the m any functions of the underground chambers from the first century to the sixth, where it was entirely destroyed. 1.3 Facts about the Roman Coliseum In this part, this research will focus on the time when the Roman Coliseum was constructed. It will further highlight on the individuals who were behind the construction. The emperor during the time will also be highlighted upon in this section. Many people talk of the Flavian dynasty, but they rarely understand all about the ideas that led to the formation of this
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Alcoholic - Homebrew Lyrics Response Essay Example for Free
Alcoholic Homebrew Lyrics Response Essay hi everybody, welcome to the wednesday meeting, yep yep. um everybody give it up for eli, first of all, whos been offthe meth for a whole month now, and his wifes getting outof jail next thursday, is that right? anyway weve got a new speakertoday so big round of applause for this young man here. its been about a week nowIm startin to get weak nowI wake up at 11:30 thats when I start getting thirsty andI dont know what it isall I know theres a bottle in the fridgewith my name on itif I want itcause Im an alcoholic and I knowyeah hi my name is Tom Im an addictcant really remember just how long I been at itIm guessin that this happened like a pattern and a problemcause my fathers a fiend andso was mum so its somethin like part of my genesbut its hard to get clean but its hard to sustainbut at the end of it I really can only answer to meand its the way it is I truly learned thatso dont give me all that. Channeling the universe crapthats a load of s**t I aint tryna to pass the blamelike its just a part of fateand I aint got a part to playcause if thats the case then I really cant escapemight as well just start the day with a glass of chardonnaylike my dad does thinking that time can never catch usfollowing my nose kinda like my bro. Haz doesbut Im scared Ill end up in a home like daz wasthat dude went mad once,but na f**k that buzzIm looking for a little morebut s**t is rawcause its just a little short walk to the liquor store,a little more to middlemoremy mind keeps saying this is what Im living for but my liver isnt sureits 6 In the mornin were about to close the clubbut we know the owner so were there until they open upand thats why Im broke as f**k bank account Golden Duckblowing bucks on these drugs going nuts tryna sober upI woke up Friday morninglying on the floor in a one man cellhe said I punched that C**Tstablehow many lies can one man telland now Im on probationIm getting rehabilitationasking for some explanation. I saidI just like getting wastedso dont ask why Im stonedand look lady I dont knowsign my forms so I can gocause I got court at 9 tomorrowand if the judge is a b***h I could even jump of a bridgeor go get on itcause Im an alcoholic and I knowI f****n hate this placef****n hate this place more than f****n ace of bassf**k what this lady says I bet shes smoked moresmack than Ive ever drunk beerand then she asks me if I been high this week; f**k yeah! Ive been high like a pilotwhy try to deny I wont lie iv been wiredpopping E like vitamin cyou wanna read my mind like a psychicyou really wanna know why. I get highcause I like itdoes it really take a f****n Einstein to figure that outhow much more s**t can you spit out your fat mouthwho would have known youd get addicted to crackWOWwhat a f****n breakthrough everybody clap nowjust give it up for jack for giving up the crackits been a whole week since he had a huff and snaprolled his dead ex-wife in some bubble wrapfilled a duffel bag with all her husbands stuff and gapped, yeahits been a month and they got nothing backjust a lecture from some alchie and a drunken cattryna to tell me how to me live my lifebro cut the crapSobriety? what the f**k is that? Cant even spell it broi f****n hate this place like the f****n ellen showstraight upi f****n hate this place like f****n baby face,and eric claptonnah f**k this s**t i aint even finished this s**t,ya knowi wont go and get stoned with some hippie b***h with ankle bracelets English Assignment 91106 Text type: Song lyrics Title: Alcoholic – Homebrew This song really helped to picture the life of a man stuggling with alcoholism/being an alcoholic. The song explains how he ended up as an alcoholic, his struggles with day to day life trying to become sober, and the consequences of not being sober and giving into the temptation of alcohol. The writer blames his parents for the way that he has acted around alcohol, â€Å" Im guessin that this happened like a pattern and a problem cause my fathers a fiend and so was mum so its somethin like part of my genes†and â€Å" might as well just start the day with a glass of chardonnay like my dad does thinking that time can never catch us†, the writer believes that his genetics caused him to be an alcoholic, but also that his fathers habit of drinking chardonnay first thing in the morning has led him to believe it is normal. I think it is very logical for the writer to blame his parents for this, especially the fathers bad habit of drinking chardonnay in the morning, as children are meant to learn from their parents, this is what the writer has learnt from his father. This is all relevant to families all over the world, as in every culture children are influenced by their parents actions, and if their parents are heavy drinkers then its normal for their children to believe that large quanties of alcohol consumption is normal which in many cases leads to alcoholism. The writer continues to write about the struggles of trying to be sober â€Å" its been about a week now Im startin to get weak now I wake up at 11:30 thats when I start getting thirsty†, after only a week of being without alcohol, life is getting unbearable and he is starting to feel week, getting the urges to consume alcohol as soon as he wakes up in the late morning. â€Å"all I know theres a bottle in the fridge with my name on it if I want it†and â€Å"but its hard to get clean but its hard to sustain†the writer finds it hard to continue being sober when he knows that there will always be a bottle of alcohol somewhere to turn to, if he decides he wants it. I really do feel for the writer, as he has a serious problem, and is clearly struggling with day to day life trying to stay sober. The constant repitition of the line â€Å"cause Im an alcoholic and I know it†is the writer trying to justify his actions, which is common for alcoholics to do. I do sympathise and unstand the writer, as alcoholism is a disease, yet I believe he gives up too easy and gets himself into un-needed trouble which relates to the youth in New Zealand. The youth in New Zealand begin drinking alcohol at an early age, which is some cases leads to alcoholism causing many teenagers and young adults to get into trouble with the law as the writer soon explains as he finally gives into the urges of drinking alcohol â€Å" I woke up Friday morning lying on the floor in a one man cell†â€Å" and now Im on probation, Im getting rehabilitation†. This is explaining the consequences of heavy drinking, which is a common thing in New Zealand and many other countries. Heavy drinking can lead to serious consequences such as ending up in jail, on probation and rehab as the writer has mentioned. I feel like this song explains the stuggles of alcoholism, which is a huge problem in many countries and needs to be taken more seriously. Alcoholism is a disease and needs to be treated like one so that sufferers of the disease get the help they need to stop them from getting into trouble.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Dreams in A Raisin in the Sun Essay -- Raisin Sun essays
Dreams in A Raisin in the Sun Lena, Walter, Ruth, and Beneatha Younger all lived under the same roof, but their dreams were all different. Being the head of the household, Lena dreamed the dreams of her children and would do whatever it took to make those dreams come true. Walter, Lena's oldest son, set his dream on the liquor store that he planned to invest with the money of his mother. Beneatha, in the other hand, wanted to become a doctor when she got out of college and Ruth, Walter's wife, wanted to be wealthy. "A Raisin in the Sun" was a book about "dreams deferred", and in this book that Lorraine Hansberry had fluently described the dreams of the Younger family and how those dreams became "dreams deferred." Lena Younger, Walter and Beneatha's mother, was a widow in her early sixties who devoted her life to her children after her husband's death. Retired from working for the Holiday's family, she was waiting for her husband's insurance money to arrive. With the ten tho...
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Treachery and Betrayal in Othello
Treachery and betrayal, they belong hand in hand, like a married couple, for they both ultimately lead to misery and sorrow. In William Shakespeare’s play, Othello, acts of treachery and betrayal have great dramatic significance. They greatly contribute to the theme that appearance does not always portray reality, and reality is not what one sees but more often what one does not see. The acts of treachery and betrayal in Othello help to develop this theme through character development. Such acts include: how Iago deceives Othello by being his friend and enemy at the same time. Othello betraying his wife’s love and trust. Emilia (Iago’s wife) betraying her very own husband for justice. Finally Iago’s betrayal of Roderigo, using him and his money for his evil plans, and then killing him. Through ought all of these acts of treachery and violence and betrayal a common theme seems to be developed, mostly through the development of characters. Iago’s character is a prime example of how acts of treachery and betrayal can alter people. Iago starts of by wanting to ruin Othello’s reputation as a great and wise general, as Iago says in (I, i,44) â€Å"I follow him to serve my turn upon him†. Iago tells this to Roderigo, showing that he intends to betray Othello, by pretending to be his friend and then corrupting and betraying him. As the play progresses, Iago’s intentions are less driven by reason, and more driven by revenge, and blind lustful impulses, â€Å"[Othello] shall fall between us†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (IV,iii,246). Iago says this to Roderigo, when he says it is evident that at this point Iago’s character has undergone deep change. For not only does he want to ruin Othello’s reputation, but now he wants to obliterate, destroy, and crush Othello’s reputation, but he also wants to obliterate, destroy, and crush Othello’s entire life. This change in character is mainly due to the fact that the treacherous and betrayal acts that Iago has committed have altered his ways of thinking and have poisoned his very mind. The more of these acts that he commits, the more his character changes. The more his character changes the more deceitful and concealed Iago’s actions become. The appearance of his actions are not what they seem. His actions are twofaced, deceptive and cunning. This set of changes in his character and behaviour contribute to a common theme, the theme that appearance does not always portray reality. This theme is helped to be developed by Iago’s change in character, the more acts of treachery he commits, the more deceitful he is, it is a as if he grows a second face, giving him two faces. One face for deception where he pretends to be loyal and a good friend, and another where his true evil intentions are shown. All this just to get revenge on one man, Othello. By the time Othello realizes what is going on, it is too late and his appearance of things shatter revealing the reality of the situation. Othello has already fallen into the trap, unjustly killing his wife, thanks to Iago’s twofaced deception. Upon coming to this realization Othello finally knows that appearances do not always portray reality, all thanks to Iago’s cunning character. Othello loves his wife Desdemona very much at the start of the play he would do anything for her, believe her every word. However this eventually changes because Othello’s character changes. His character changes because of his acts of betrayal towards his wife. When Othello becomes suspicious that his wife is having an affair with Cassio, he does not ask his wife about it, but instead he goes behind her back and betrays her trust by asking Iago for proof â€Å"†¦Iago I’ll see before I doubt; when I doubt prove†(III, iii, 203-204). By asking Iago for proof, and not his wife Othello is betraying his wife’s trust and love. Through each act of betrayal Othello’s character changes, he sees less reality and more fake appearances. He thinks less logically and more impulsively, with jealousy. His change in character causes him to lose sight of reality and this causes him to go into further betrayal, by ultimately killing his wife, and completely betraying her trust and love and kindness. The more that Othello’s character changes the less reality he sees, and the more fiction he sees, which makes him betray someone he loves, because appearances are not always true. Othello and Desdemona are not the only couple that suffer acts of betrayal from within their very own relationship. Emilia and Iago are another couple that, whose characters’ change causing them to lose touch with reality. Emilia is always suspicious of Iago but she still trusts him, for example when she gives Desdemona’s handkerchief to Iago reluctantly â€Å"If [the handkerchief]be not for some purpose of import,/Give't me again: poor lady, she'll run mad/ When she shall lack it†(III,iii,156-159). Emilia does not want to give the handkerchief to Iago because she thinks he might to something to hurt Desdemona and Othello with it. Therefore she asks him indirectly to give it back to Desdemona. In doing so Emilia is betraying her husbands trust by doubting his intentions. This small event is enough to change her view of her husband, and plant doubt in her mind as to the reality of his actions versus their appearance. Ultimately this small action has great consequences to her life. Near the end of the play, once Othello kills his wife, Emilia finds out and she confronts Othello, and she reveals that it was her husband that betrayed him. In doing so, she has betrayed all trust that she and her husband had. Making Othello see the reality of the situation, and shoving aside the illusion that Iago had woven around him. Iago in turn kills her, rewarding her for her betrayal, as he has done before to others. Iago has betrayed many people among them a very good friend of his, Roderigo. Roderigo is a naive man who is in love with Desdemona, and he is paying Iago to set them up. Through ought the play he keeps paying Iago and he believes that Iago is doing this to help him. However all is not as it appears, for in truth Iago is using Roderigo’s money and using Roderigo to do his bidding all the while pretending to be his friend and helping him to get to Desdemona. I have rubb'd this young quat almost to the sense,/And he grows angry. Now, whether he kill Cassio,/Or Cassio him, or each do kill the other,/ Every way makes my gain†(IV, ii, 256-236). When Iago says this it shows how much he did not care for his friend, he was only using him for his own gain and vengeful purposes. Consequently Iago ends up killing Roderigo so that he may look like an innocent savior and a noble man. For Roderig o was instructed by Iago to kill Cassio. Through this act Iago has put on an act a mask, for he has disguised the reality of his actions through the betrayal of one of his close friends. In doing so Iago’s character has become cold and cunning, able to make reality his puppet by putting on illusions for others to see and not reality. All of the above examples: from Iago betraying Othello by being his friend and enemy at the same time, Othello’s betrayal of his wife’s trust and love, Emilia betraying her husband and making his evil deeds known to others and Iago’s use and murder of one of his close friends. All of these acts of treachery caused the characters’ of the people committing them, to change for the worst. As the characters changed they saw less of reality and more fake appearances of things and events. This flaw in how characters see things leads to a common theme being developed that theme is: appearance does not always portray reality, and reality is not what one sees but more often what one does not see. Having eyes does not mean a person is able to see the truth, but merely means that they can observe all the illusions created by others, for to truly see the truth, one must look with their minds eye.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
My Last Farewell by Joze Rizal Essay
1st Stanza * Rizal’s beautiful description of his Fatherland. He used the biblical Eden to describe the Pre-Hispanic Philippines which is an imaginary time of purity and innocence. He adores the beautiful country that he and others are fighting for. He said that he is glad to give his life to Filipinas even though his life was brighter, fresher, or more blest than it is now – pertaining to the time when he wrote the poem. 2nd Stanza * The men who gave their life to his beloved country. Rizal said that their dedication and patriotism to the country is without second thoughts. It doesn’t matter how one struggles, that all struggles, all deaths, are worth it if it is for the good of the country. 3rd Stanza * It speaks of Rizal’s love of Liberty. The image of dawn that Rizal used in the first line signifies the liberation that he adores. In the third and fourth line, he says that if the colour of liberation lacks his blood, he must die for the country to attain freedom. 4th Stanza * Presents the flashback of Rizal’s love for Patricia that started when he was young. He was young when he saw the martyrdom of the GOMBURZA and promised that he would dedicate himself to avenge one day for those victims. His dreams were to see his country in eminent liberation, free from sorrow and grief. 5th Stanza * Repeats Rizal’s dream of complete Liberation. â€Å"All Hail!†signifies that he is positively welcoming the dawn of freedom after his death. He also repeats what he has said in the third stanza that it is his desire to dedicate his life to the Patria. 6th Stanza * Describes the image of Rizal’s grave being forgotten someday. The grassy sod may represent the country’s development, the growth of liberty, and that with the redemption of the country, he becomes forgotten. Rizal does not say here that he wants monuments, streets, or schools in his name, just a fond kiss and a warm breath so he could feel he is not..
Thursday, November 7, 2019
A Critical Study of Sainsburys Managing information systems (MIS) The WritePass Journal
A Critical Study of Sainsburys Managing information systems (MIS) INTRODUCTION: A Critical Study of Sainsburys Managing information systems (MIS) INTRODUCTION:MANAGING INFORMATION SYSTEMS ACROSS VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS IN J.SAINSBURY’S SUPERMARKET:Information systems in checkouts:Decision making at three tiers of management in Sainsbury’s:Conclusion:ReferencesRelated INTRODUCTION: Managing information systems (MIS) is a process which provides information to an organization to manage effectively. managing information system(MIS) is a system that combines both the human and computer based resources which can be used to collection of raw data, retrieving data, storing the data, processing the data and converting it in to the information which is able to communicate with all levels of management using the information technology. MIS enables the user/organization to manage things effectively. it provides the base to an organization to make better decisions and to handle critical problems, controlling and coordinating the organization successfully. Information system is not a option but it is a essential requirement by any organization. it is also the mediator between different levels of management. it plays very important role in organizational level. it also makes easier to communicate each other effectively. it is also updates the information across various levels and gives a chance to rethink of future plans. it gives the external information about other firms to stand in the competitive environment successfully. it is not only a useful tool but it must be included in any organization to run their business. MIS in any organization is supposed to provide information to their customers. MANAGING INFORMATION SYSTEMS ACROSS VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS IN J.SAINSBURY’S SUPERMARKET: Information systems is very crucial factor to any organization from top level management to employees, manufacturers, suppliers, retailers, marketing analysts, warehouses, supply chain management.. Etc. Based on the information system, an organization management could include planning, organizing, directing, controlling, evaluating and reporting etc.. An information system is the heart of any organization to assess the companies past review’s and performance and to plan the present and future organizational objectives. Information system uses the database to store large amounts of data, statically analyzing the data, and to produce it in to useful information that can be used by various levels of management. Information system is used by the managers of their own departments to identify the critical issues occurred in the past activities, discussing about the issue with the other team members of the department and planned to solve and overcome the problems. Managing information systems in Sainsbury’s stores: Sainsbury’s supermarket is the uk’s largest major food retailing chain. It has 525 supermarkets and 303 convenience stores, a Sainsbury’s bank. For the big corporate organization like Sainsbury’s, it is essential requirement to managing information systems in an efficient way. Information systems is used in Sainsbury’s at various levels of management and various departments. The information systems are used in a supermarket stores at various levels from stock handling controlling to maintain appropriate temperatures in fridges and freezers. In the supermarket stores uses the several computer systems which can be called LAN (LOCAL AREA NETWORK). These computer systems are aims to operate the stock control and checkout systems. These are one that incorporates the functionality of multiple devices. Every authorised person can access these data base systems. In stores, hand held devices are introduced and allow the administration staff, shop floor colleagues and stock control staff to change the price of products and creating price labels, and for future deliveries. The hand held devices are also called shelf edge computers (SEC). Every individual product has unique code to identify the product details; the item has a unique barcode which can be scan by the hand held scanners. Electronic point of sale (EPOS) is a machine located at every checkout. E POS contains a digital display to display , a keyboard, a scanner which can read bar codes, a set of scales, a printer, a debit card reader and a till drawer. All of these components are attached to a till. Each and every item should have a unique code number that is independent of all other product. Even the same product of different sizes needs a unique code to identify the product. The unique bar code numbers are printed on the outside of the product packaging or attached label to that product which is shown in the figure (a) below. Figure (d): hand held system Barcodes are combined with a set of thick black lines and white lines. Ex: Figure(c). Figure (e) : EPOS Information systems in checkouts: The EPOS reads the product barcodes at the checkouts till machine, and identifies the product and it finds the cost of the product, after scanning the product the machine gives an option to the customer whether they have any nectar card, staff discount card, any voucher card. After all it charges the customer appropriately. Each card mentioned above also has barcode on it, and the machine identifies it uniquely. All till machines are connected together with a branch server system via cables. Each and every product information stored in the branch system, it gives the information to tills when it needed. When scanning an item by the scanner the machine sends the product details to the database. So that the server system can identify that how many remaining items of the same product are available in shelves, it gets the information about that particular product such as how many number of items are sold out, how many are left in the shelves, how many product details are totally sold out . After getting the information about all products it stores the information about that product in the database. It helps to identify the number of product are totally sold out, and in out of stock. So the store can order the delivery of that product. Also the system checks that the product has any special offer and it gives discount where it is needed. Each and every product and service related details are stored in the database and it communicates with all the other systems including tills, it exchanges the information at all the times. When scanning the item it tells the customer that it has been read correctly by giving beep sound. If it not gives any sound one can assume that it has not been read correctly. And there is also an option on the screen that without scanning a product, by entering the code number by using the keyboard can identify the product. For example any reduced items that mean the item has short life and store reduced the cost of an item. After billing the cus tomer receives a paper bill which is made by the printer. The printer is attached with every till and it shares the information and prints on a piece of paper. the customers are allowed to pay by cash or debit card. When the customers use the card, he/she is supposed to put the card on the reader, it also use the information system, whether the card is authorised and it is from authorised bank. The card reader shares the information with all associated banks, and assesses the card information and the debit the amount correctly. The processes of using debit cards are called electronic transfer funds. Stock control: the information systems play an important role in stock control in the super market stores. In the process of billing customers it is known to the server that the number of remaining products is available in the store. in fact, there are also some damaged products or expired products are remained on the shelves. Stock fillers dispose the expired one and use the reduced price labels with new barcodes on it , if the product has short life. Stock control department uses the information system, and it orders the products where it is needed, and stores the information about the number of products are delivered to the store when they get the delivery. The price labels are usually placed on the shelves borders, and the stock controllers scans the price labels where it is empty. Stock control is useful asset in finding the stores profit assessment. The assessment is based on the number of products are delivered to the store and number of products are sold out, the number o f the products are damaged, the number of products expired. This is the important information stored in the database by the stock control team. The each computer in the store is linked with branch server system, which is connected with a head branch of a supermarket computer sever. All the database of an individual store is stored in the head office server system. It maintains the chain of computer systems effectively via extranet sources. Extranet is like a internet but, completely private database network and is connected to internet via satellite. It is because of the process of exchanging information and managing information system of all the stores of the Sainsbury’s stores. Sainsbury’s head office is located in the heart of city of London. It has the database over nearly eight hundred store branches. Figure (f): branch computer link to headquarters visa satellite. Inter communication between the branch stores to head branch of the store: Every day the individual store sends the information about sales of the stores to main branch, the head branch estimates the number of items needs to be delivered to the store. The head branch also gets an overview of the sales of the individual store, and estimates the performance levels and suggests the improvements to the branch stores. Figure (g) network model Every individual store sends the daily report to the head quarters. Based on the store information head branch database system stores the updated information such as stocks, performance levels, etc.. Using the updated information the head quarters estimates need of improvement levels and stock deliveries to the stores. The information about stock deliveries are communicates with distribution of warehouses via information systems. The warehouse department which has large chunks of ready to deliver material delivers the stock immediately to the required stores. The whole Sainsbury’s maintain the same price levels and it updates any change of product prices are communicated to the branch stores. The product price changes are affects the branch stores immediately and followed work by the overnight workers. Human resource management information systems: information systems plays very important role in human resource department in any organisation. Maintaining the thousands of employees in a big organisation like Sainsbury’s is not a simple thing. The HR department uses the information system effectively to employ the staff to their needs and providing them training. Sainsbury’s HR department in all stores sends the information about new employees that the store employed, the employee details, employee position, contracted hours, employee salaries. Sainsbury’s HR department uses their website to employ the new staff that they required. The each and every individual store of Sainsbury’s sends the information about the need of staff resources in their store, the hours of work required, which department require the new staff. The head office then receives the information about all stores vacancies and posts on line at their website. It updates the information day to day as required. The hr department of head office sends the information to IT department in the head office about vacancy details and need to be posted on line. The IT department then receives the data and posted on their websites. It works effectively by the IT department. The IT department designed the website in an easy understandable form. When the candidate’s checks that there are any vacancies arise, and found their suitable position, they can apply immediately online. The website asks the candidates to register in the recruitment website. The registration in the recruitment website is very easy by following instructions. After registering in the site, they can progress their application. The website stores the candidates registration details and gives them unique id which is useful for the forth communication, the candidates information submitted on the site is very confidential and not known the third person, because of the successful maintenance of the informatio n and database systems. The Sainsbury’s website allows the number of candidates applying for a given position is set to a limit. So as to reduce the huge applications for the position that they might cause problem to selection department. All these limitations are set by the department by the use of the information systems. The website asks the candidates to attempt an online exam, which is used to tests candidate’s abilities as a preliminary test. The number of all limited allowed number of candidates attempts the exam and finish their application. The stored database system can get the result of the candidates test details automatically and sends to the HR department. HR department then assesses the candidate’s ability based on their test further forwards application to progress. All successful candidates information is stored once in the database available to head office hr department. The HR department assigns each successful candidate with a unique id to identify the colleague. Information systems in Accounts department: The HR department maintains the daily report of employees attendance, and their working hours each day and sends the information to accounts department for payrolls. The HR information systems maintains a report of each employees, that the contracted hours of the employees, holiday pay booked by the employees, the salary of the employees, and premium pay of work, bonus of the employees and their eligibility. Every week of the employees details in all individual stores accounts department sends the information to the head office HR department. The head office assesses the information and pays the employees every four weeks based on the information. Online shopping: Sainsbury’s is also become popular with their internet shopping facility. Sainsbury’s online shopping is responsibility of each store online department. The online department in the Sainsbury’s is called STY(Sainsbury’s to you). Sainsbury’s supermarket online shopping efficiently works with the support of Sainsbury’s IT department. The information systems use of this department is more compare to other departments of this organisation. Sainsbury’s online shopping is easy way for customers to shop their needs by clicking on the computer instead of walking to store and taking the risk of delivery of the goods to their home. It provides the customers a way of easy shopping online, the company’s website provides the online shopping tool. All and every product that available in the individual store are available in the internet online shopping. The customers are expected to type in their postcode on the site, to find out which store is available nearly to their home. After typing in their postcode, clicking the access button the website tells the customer that the store is available to their home. The database of all postcodes and addresses are stored and processed by the information systems. Based on the customer information, the information system decides that which store is to be take care of the customer needs. When customer shops online and pays by card, the information first stored on the database of head office, then the assigned store. In the store, STY department automatically gets print out of the shopping list. The shopping lists are then stored in to the store database, and assigns the work to online shopping workers. The online shoppers in the STY department picks up all the items by the help of handset systems. The handheld systems are designed shortly for the use of wireless information exchange system. The manager of the STY department assigns the work into handheld systems, then the shoppers get order details one by one. The information about product details and in which aisle it is located is displayed on the handsets. So the shoppers are expected to scan the items and followed to delivery room. The information systems is more important in the department because of it is totally depended on the Information Technology. Decision making at three tiers of management in Sainsbury’s: There generally three tiers of management in any organisation. (1) top level management, (2) middle level management, (3) low level management. We can understand the management work at different levels by considering one example: When an organization is supposed to launch a new product, various people’s involvement should be included in the project. For an example, Sainsbury’s supermarket wants to introduce a â€Å"ready to eat sandwich†into their stores. This is not a simple thing and cannot be introduced directly into their stores, but various issues should be considered about this product. The sandwich may be a two pieces of bread slices with a cheese and some ingredients on it, it should have different approach than where people can make it on their homes. This should be treated as a advantageous to consumers. Sainsbury’s is a chain of five hundred thirty five supermarkets and a kind of convenience stores included in it. When this big food retailer wants to add this new product to their stores, a detailed research should have made and should communicate with the different parties using the information systems. From it’s product design to sales, a unique code must be assigned to each sandwich to specify the details and allocate value to the product. It is clear that the product designer should specify the required ingredients for the product , and should include right percentage of nutrition values, diets, less fat ..etc. the sandwich design, manufacturer, suppliers through stores requires a shared information system to have a good communication between them. The Sainsbury’s management will create a brief description about the product which the information shared by the manufacturer. Using of information systems in product life cycle management: product life cycle management is a process of managing a product from its conception  through its design, manufacturing, delivering out. Plc gives product details and specifications to companies. Product design: uses the information systems to assess the features of the product and the requirements for manufacturing of that product, needs of the customers. And it also usable by the product control unit to test the quality control and it again stores the details of the product in to database for further use. The stored data can be accessed by the manufacturing unit and companies to assess whether the design is desirable for company requirements. It gives an overview of the product details i.e the cost of the production, the range of products which can be manufactured and this information available to the all authorised required data bases of the company. Manufacturing of the product:  In recent years, the increasing of information technology in manufacturing increasing rapidly. Information is used to be at every level of an organization. In the competitive environment, there is need to understand the using of information systems and application of information technology in whole the process. In a process, from the raw material to the finished goods and shipping of the goods , information systems must be used to communicate at all levels. The information is important for money flow i.e payments can be paid out when delivery received to the recipient, information is usable by the manufacturer to buy and pay for the material, paying labour charges..etc. invoice can be issued by the manufacturer for right payments when he receives correct payments for the goods. A majority of manufacturing companies are using multiple computer network systems at their process. It is a challenge for the organizations to integrate the data bases in to their computer systems. Integrating the computer systems and data bases used to be the main priority for these organizations. By integrating these systems, the companies can know the required material, planning , directing and get the knowledge of market position of their system. Sainsbury’s consists of nearly eight hundred supermarkets and a finance. The head office department is located in the Holborn, the heart of London. It operates the whole Sainsbury’s by the help of middle level management. We can clearly observe the role of decision making of three tiers of management by the above example. Conclusion: I conclude that the Managing information systems is important at organisational level, to stand in the corporate competitive environment. It is not an option but essential to run big organisation like Sainsbury’s. However there is no disadvantage of using information systems except system failure, but there is a need to maintain the information system by the effective efficient team of management. It is clear that the managing information systems give good decision making deal to the managers in any organisation. References 1) Management Information Systems 9e T. Lucey, bized.co.uk. 2)Bocij, P. Chaffey, D., (2005) Business Information Systems: Technology, Development and Management in the E-business, Prentice Hall. 3) Chen, S., (2004) Strategic Management of E-business, J Wiley Sons. 4) Laudon Laudon, (2007) Management Information Systems, 10th Edition, Prentice Hall. 5) Clarke Steve (2007); ‘Information Systems Strategic Management: an integrated approach’. ISBN 978-0-415-38187-1; Routledge Printing, Canada 6) Fattahi. R and Ebrahim Afshar (2006), ‘Added value of information and information systems: a conceptual approach’; Library Review Vol. 55 No. 2 7) www.sainsbury’s.co.uk 8) information age journal
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Poekilopleuron - Facts and Figures
Poekilopleuron - Facts and Figures Name: Poekilopleuron (Greek for varied ribs); pronounced POY-kill-oh-PLOOR-on Habitat: Woodlands of western Europe Historical Period: Middle Jurassic (170-165 million years ago) Size and Weight: About 23 feet long and one ton Diet: Meat Distinguishing Characteristics: Large size; bipedal posture; relatively long arms About Poekilopleuron Poekilopleuron had the misfortune to be discovered in the early 19th century, at a time when virtually every large theropod was being assigned as a species of Megalosaurus (the first dinosaur ever to be named). An amazing number of famous paleontologists were involved, in one way or another, with this dinosaur: the type species, Poekilopleuron bucklandii, was named after William Buckland; in 1869, Edward Drinker Cope reassigned a now-defunct genus (Laelaps) as Poekilopleuron gallicum; Richard Owen was responsible for Poekilopleuron pusillus, which Cope later changed to Poekilopleuron minor; and later still, Harry Seeley reassigned one of these species to an entirely different genus, Aristosuchus. Amidst this frenzy of Poekilopleuron activity, at least one species of this middle Jurassic dinosaur was assigned to Megalosaurus, though most paleontologists continued to refer to Poekilopleuron by its original genus name. Adding to the confusion, the original skeleton of Poekilopleuron (Greek for varied ribs)which stood out for its complete set of gastralia, or ribs, a rarely preserved feature of dinosaur fossilswas destroyed in France during World War II, so paleontologists have since had to make do with plaster replicas (a similar situation prevails with the much bigger meat-eating dinosaur Spinosaurus, whose type fossil was destroyed in Germany). Long story short: Poekilopleuron may or may not have been the same dinosaur as Megalosaurus, and if it wasnt, it was a very close relative!
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Employment-At-Will Doctrine Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Employment-At-Will Doctrine - Essay Example For instance, an employer is not allowed to take any negative employment action against any worker because of disability, gender, national origin, age, or any legal protected activity or characteristics. The protected activities include jury service, refusing to carry out an illegal action, reporting violation laws, filing the compensation claim of workers, and filing a discrimination complaint on the basis of sex, color, race, disability, or national origin. Since upset workers tend to sue a company on the above named grounds, it is advised that a company maintain the records of the performance of an employee (BALLAM, 2000). The records helps in giving evidence of disciplinary actions that are not linked to the protected activity. The status of an employee-at-will may be changed by an implied or written contract, local law, or a state. Assuming an employee and employer enters into a written agreement; any termination must be carried pursuant to the contract terms and conditions. A discharged employee who claims the partied have contractually agree to the rights of the employers to terminate has the liability to prove the written representation on that note (New York joins the states overturning the employment-at-will doctrine: Employee handbooks are the key, 1983). After the parties agree to the terms of service, the workers can never be discharged unless with a reason. Generally, the oral assurance that a worker will not be dismissed without a good reason does not amend the status of an employee at will. There are various limited exceptions to the doctrine of employment at will. Under this rule, the law does not apply if the relationship of employment is governed by an agreement with a given employment term. Under the exception of the public policy, a worker is wrongfully dismissed when the dismissal is not within the public policy of the nation. For instance, majority of states in America an employer is not allowed to terminate a worker for
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Effect of the American Revolution on Native American groups Research Paper
Effect of the American Revolution on Native American groups - Research Paper Example The Native Americans had no centralized governance that can unite the whole country. In addition, they also had no laws. With this, Europeans described the Native Americans as barbaric or savage. Although the Native Americans had their own civilization, the Europeans still considered it as something backward as compared to their own civilization. This perspective became the reason of the Europeans to colonize America.2 Parts of America became a colony of the Spanish a year after Columbus’ discovery of it. There had been major changes in America. Since the reasons of Spanish in colonizing other territories included â€Å"glory, gold and God†, the major changes in the American Indians’ lives happened in these areas. In this era, Native Americans first acquired their religion, Catholicism.3 America was rich in resources and this attracted more colonizers, which included French and Dutch people. Also, the colonizers started mixing or forming marriage with the Native Americans.4 All colonizers of America contributed to the development of the nation. Each colonizer has its own perspective of living that has been imparted to the Native Americans. Also, one of the major contributors in civilization of the Americans was the English nation. The English nationals brought Protestantism in America. They also introduced the notion of â€Å"conqueror†to the Americans. Also, they started the slavery of the â€Å"blacks†. The English brought Africans to America and treated them as slaves working in the agricultural sector.5 It can be seen that colonialism greatly affected Americans. From being â€Å"behind†and â€Å"savage†, the Americans acquired religion, improved food system and governance from their colonizers which shaped the identity of the Americans. However, they did not settle as a colony only. America acquired freedom from their colonizers and became a nation. The Americans revolted against their colonizers and strugg led to achieve independence.6 From the revolution, Americans developed their definition of freedom. Americans worked to improve the view of the nation in terms of slavery. America became United States of America after the revolution.7 The development of country was soon observed. There were issues concerning the nation that the leaders started to encounter such as the establishment of the government and different social issues (e.g. gender issues) that started to rise and affect the development of the country. The Americans applied what they learned from the past years of being a colony to their newfound freedom. The building of the nation was much improved, laws were made and disputed. Slavery was reformed and people became more educated. After being colonized, America enlarged the nation’s territory also. Although the slavery had been reformed, it was not enough to eliminate slavery especially in the non-white settlers of United States of America. The people’s belief on their race heightened and expanded outward their territory. The US expanded their territory to the West. The Americans viewed their own race to be more important than that of the people with different skin color. They felt that it was a Divine right to extend their territory and the other
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Computer Sciences and Information Technology Essay - 6
Computer Sciences and Information Technology - Essay Example This project declares that technology has created its impacts on education and training. People who use social networking websites on a daily basis, posting minute to minute updates, people who listen to music wherever they go on the most latest gadget in the market, people who feel handicapped without such technologies; these people are referred to as the digital natives. Digital natives are those that are born into the culture of technology. Since the day they were born, they have seen technology, observed it, seen its advancement and have the opportunity to gain hand on experience on them. This paper stresses that the digital natives follow a culture that is irrespective of age and is shared by all the millenials. This culture is dependent on certain characteristic that is accompanied by certain incidents that the native experience while growing up in a technological environment and this effects how they deal with the people, institutions and with everything that does not belong to the digital era. There are many educators who are excited about the new generation of students entering various educational institutions. These people have seen technology all their life. This research was conducted on the digital natives themselves and how it affected their education and social skills. There are many institutions that have trained the lecturers to teach online due to increased demand by the students. Many of the Americans are bicultural and live on two cultures in their life.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
An Overview of Anti-Discriminatory Legislation
An Overview of Anti-Discriminatory Legislation The Employment Discrimination Act looks for preventing the discrimination on the basis of sex, race, national origin, religion, age, and physical disability by the owners of the company. The increasing law’s body also works for the prevention of discrimination in employment on the base of sexual orientation. Practice of discrimination includes job assignment, bias in hiring, termination, promotion, retaliation, compensation, and different sort of employment harassment. The main body of this act comprises of state and federal statutes. The US constitution and some other state’s constitution offer extra protection when employer is governmental body and therefore government has taken numerous important steps for fostering the practices of discrimination in the workplace. Federal Employment Statutes Prohibiting Discrimination Further centralized remedies are determined in the Section 1981 of the U.S. Code in order to prevent persecution and intended perception in the place of work. Modified in 1991,  § 1981 actually offers the necessary features in order to provide an unlike influence privilege and allows adjudicators to honor compensatory and disciplinary compensations in circumstances of premeditated discrimination. Additional, the Supreme Court of United States has taken  § 1981 in recent to suggest such a private source of act for revenge claims that usually based on race (Issacharoff Nelson, 2000). A revenge statement which is based on race is that sort of act in which proprietor has reacted in contradiction of a member of staff for devising earlier filed an objection about the discrimination in the race. In the Civil Rights Act of 1964, heading VII forbids discrimination in any sort of aspect regarding the relationship of the employment. The Act disallows any sort of discrimination either it is based on color, race, religion, national origin or sex. In the same way, Sex contains pregnancy, giving birth or as well as related therapeutic conditions. It usually declares it unlawful for employers to differentiate in relation to discharging, contracting, recompensing, or in other words offering the situations, and constitutional rights of occupation. Moreover hiring organizations may not differentiate in case of referring any applicant. The Act also forbids labor societies from centering association or unification categorizations which are based on color, race, religion, national origin or sex. Nineteenth Century Civil Rights Acts In the year 1993, the Nineteenth Century Civil Rights Acts was amended, and make sure that every individual has equal rights beneath the shade of this discrimination law, and list the available damages to plaintiffs and took under the Title 7 of the â€Å"Civil Rights Act†, ADA (American with Disabilities Act), and the Rehabilitation Act of 1964, 1990, and 1973 respectively (Shoben, 2003). Equal Pay Act The Fair Labor Standard Act of 1963 was amended by the Equal Pay Act. It prohibits the unions and employers from paying unequal wages on the basis of sex of employee; but not prohibits the discrimination practice in hiring. It calls for workers to be paid equally if they have equal works that require equal effort, responsibility, and skill. Age Discrimination in Employment Act This act prohibits the employer from employment discrimination based on age. This prohibition practice is approximately parallel to those practices that are listed in the Title VII, and offers protection to employees from discrimination up to the age of forty. The Age Discrimination in Employment Act is comprised of clear principle regarding retirement plans, pension, and other benefits. In the course of 2007 to 2008, statute was clarified by the Supreme Court of U.S, in three different areas: Disparate impact for filed claims under Age Discrimination in Employment Act. Employees by which the Intake Questionnaire is submitted. Personal suit of revenge by complainants. The Rehabilitation Act The objective of the Rehabilitation Act is to increase opportunities of employment in the public and private sectors both just for the physically and mentally disabled people by affirmative action programs regarding and elimination of discrimination. The employers included in the Act are among the agencies of federal government and also the workers who are receiving federal contracts above $2500 or financial assistance by the federal government. The section 793 of the Act which is handed over to the employment under the federal contracts is being in action by the Department of labor (Clermont Schwab, 2009). The section 794 of the Act which is handed over to organizations that are receiving federal assistance is being in action by The Department of Justice. The act being against to federal employees and federal agencies that publish the rules regarding to the employment of the disabled persons keep in force by The EEOC. American with Disabilities Act In order to eradicate discrimination against handicaps, Congress represented the American with Disabilities. It prevents discrimination that is based on a physical or mental disability by workers involved in commerce and governments of the state. ADA prevents discrimination much widely and broadly as compare to the demonstrably outlined by title VII (Ziegert Hanges, 2005). Black Lung Act Discrimination done by the mine workers against the miners who suffer from the disease of black lung i.e. pneumoconiosis eradicates by The Black Lung Act. Equal Payment Act The elucidation of the Title 7 of Americans with Disabilities Act, Equal Payment Act, and ADEA is being done by EEOC. The development of The Commission was done by Title VII. Section 2000e-5 of Title 42 consists of the provisions for enforcement, and Title 29 Part 1614 of the Code of Federal Regulations includes its rules, regulations and guidelines (Shoben, 2003). The employers who are left behind by those enactments which provide high protection from employment discrimination by the federal acts, similarly these enactments also involve in providing protection from employment discrimination by extending those laws which is present in the federal act. Groups who were left behind and not covered by the federal act is now being protected by the other statutes. Enactments of number of states give safety for individuals performing civil or family duties external to their normal employment. References Clermont, K. M., Schwab, S. J. (2009). Employment discrimination plaintiffs in federal court: From bad to worse. Harv. L. Poly Rev., 3, 103. Issacharoff, S., Nelson, J. (2000). Discrimination with a Difference: Can Employment Discrimination Law Accomodate the Americans with Disabilities Act. NCL Rev., 79, 307. Shoben, E. W. (2003). Disparate Impact Theory in Employment Discrimination: Whats Griggs Still Good For-What Not. Brandeis LJ, 42, 597. Ziegert, J. C., Hanges, P. J. (2005). Employment discrimination: the role of implicit attitudes, motivation, and a climate for racial bias. Journal of Applied Psychology, 90(3), 553.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Comparing The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and A&P :: comparison compare contrast essays
Huck Finn and A+P Â In the novel Huckleberry Finn, Huck goes through many adventures on the Mississippi River. He escapes from Pap and sails down a ways with an escaped slave named Jim. Huck goes through a moral conflict of how wrong it is to be helping Jim escape to freedom. Eventually Huck decides he will go against what society thinks and help Jim by stealing him from a farmer with the help of Tom Sawyer, a friend. In A+P the young man, Sammy, is confronted with an issue when he sees his manager expel some girls from the store he worked in simply because of their defiance to its dress code. In his rebellion against the owner, the boy decides to quit his job and make a scene to defend the rights he feels are being violated. In these stories, both the boys are considered superior to the authority that they are defying because of the courage that it took for Huck to free Jim, and for Sammy to quit his job for the girls because it was what they believed in. Â Why would anyone in his or her right mind even think about freeing a slave? Everyone in the society was telling Huck that slaves were no more than ones property, but Huck began to question this belief when he got to know the property for who it really was. During the story there are many times when Huck feels an obligation to turn Jim in to the authorities and just get on with his life, but his conscience kept telling him that this man is a real person. Near the end of the story, Jim was stuck in a holding cell, since he had run away. After much consideration of the situation, Huck decides that he wants to free Jim because he believes that he shouldn't be treated that way. Even though the entire town believes that Jim should be contained and treated like property, Huck still sticks to his morals and goes along with the plan that could get him in trouble or even killed. At the end of the story we find out that Jim had always been free, and we now find Huck's actions to be heroic and noble.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Low Voter Turnout in the United States Essay
Throughout American history, there has been a steady decline in voter turnout. Not only has this been â€Å"humiliating†for the United States, low voter turnout has been and always will be a threat to American Democracy. The concept of democracy is dependent on citizens actively participating in elections and voting to select representatives for public office. The government cannot be representative of the people, unless the people elect its representatives. Voter turnout is a major indicator of how citizens view their electoral system, and whether or not they believe that the system is working. There are numerous factors that impede voter turnout, including: citizens’ political attitudes, demographic factors, and the structure of the electoral system. The established registration process is one of the main causes of low voter turnout in the United States. Unlike many democracies, â€Å"the United States places the burden of registration on the individual†(Vanishing Voter, 7). There are no penalties for citizens that do not register or vote in American elections. Some propose that requiring citizens to vote and imposing penalties on those who fail to do so will increase voter turnout. The dilemma with this proposal is that it is fundamentally undemocratic. Citizens of democratic societies are promised the right to vote. In guaranteeing the right to vote, citizens are guaranteed the right not to vote as well. There are better solutions to the problem of low voter turnout in the United States than enacting compulsory voting laws. America has not established a national system of automatic registration; procedures for voter registration differ from state to state. A universal system of voter registration would make it much more simple for people to vote. The problem with this solution is that automatically registering people to vote does not imply that they will actually go out and vote. Six states have enacted a good solution, same day registration, which has been proven to increase voter turnout anywhere from 10 to 17 percent (Donovan, 182). Same day voter registration allows qualified citizens to register to vote on the day that elections are held. Because many states do not allow same day registration, many Americans do not take the time and effort to register in the first place; same day registration helps to solve this problem. The registration process and electoral system also creates a problem of convenience. Not only is the registration process inconvenient, Election Day itself is problematic. Election day is held on a Tuesday, impeding the majority of the population from voting due to work-related duties and responsibilities. The solution for this problem is to make Election Day a national holiday. If citizens did not have the responsibility to be at work, they would be much more likely to find time and take the effort to go out and vote. Other solutions have been offered, including: extending the voting period, enacting absentee ballot systems, and voting by mail. While all of these other solutions have made it easier, cheaper and more convenient for citizens to vote, the costs do not fully outweigh the benefits. In any kind of early voting solution, the biggest concern is that early voters vote without knowing all of the significant information needed to make a well-informed vote. Many occurrences and revelations come at the end of the campaigns and can no longer influence voters that have already voted and cannot change their selection. A voter’s political attitude is the biggest indicator of whether or not he or she will vote. â€Å"Interest in the election, concern over outcome, feelings of civic pride, and political efficacy [all] affect how people vote†(Wayne, 83). Throughout American history, there has been a decline in partisan identification. Party allegiance is a stimulus for voting. Since citizens are not as loyal to partisanship as they were in the past, they have less incentive to actually go out and vote in elections. â€Å"As a group, independents are 12 percent less likely to vote than are strong partisans†(Wayne, 83). Along with the decline in party identification, interest in political campaigns has been declining steadily overtime as well. In today’s society, politics is forced to compete with so many other things in the media or at home for people’s attention. Media audiences are more interested in human-interest and celebrity stories than they are in politics. Because of this, election coverage in the media has greatly declined. The media’s coverage of the election is dominated by the use of negative advertising and attack journalism. The frequent use of negative advertising in the media has played a role in America’s declining voter turnout. These negative advertisements repel potential voters; causing them to lose interest in the political campaign. Along with negative advertising, the lack of competition between candidates has also decreased political interests and led to low voter turnout. Low political efficacy has greatly reduced voter turnout in the United States. Voter efficacy is the belief that one’s vote counts and that voters can change the way government works or public officials behave (Wayne, 83). There are many factors affecting voter efficacy, including education and income. Income plays a major role in voter turnout. With the expansion of poverty in the United States, the gap between the rich and the poor is steadily growing. Citizens of lower income typically have lower voter efficacy. They are also less concerned with the outcome of the election than citizens of higher income levels, therefore, many of these people simply choose not to vote because they feel that they will not be affected by the outcome of the election. Income, education, and likelihood to vote are all positively correlated; more educated citizens have higher income levels and are much more likely to vote. Education is the greatest influence on voting behavior. â€Å"It provides people with the skills for processing and evaluating information; for perceiving differences among the parties, candidates, and issues; and for relating these differences to personal values and behavior†(Wayne, 83). The more educated a citizen is, the more interested they are in the election and the more concerned they are with the outcome. Educated citizens also have a great sense of civic pride and higher voter efficacy. All of these factors combined lead to a much higher likelihood of a person to actually turnout and vote. To increase political education, some propose conducting citizen education campaigns. The goal of these campaigns is to educate the people on the benefits and responsibility involved with voting. The main problem with this solution is that it is easier said than done. It is very hard to persuade nonvoters to take the time and make the effort to educate themselves on the reasons why they should vote. A better way to increase education and voter turnout is to encourage grassroots campaigns. These â€Å"get-out-the-vote†campaigns help motivate interest in elections with nonvoters and can influence them to vote, increasing voter turnout. Neither conducting citizen education campaigns nor encouraging grassroots campaigns can promise an increase in voter turnout, but both can help influencing citizens to vote and possibly lead to higher voter turnout in the United States. Low voter turnout is a big problem in the United States. According to Wayne, â€Å"Low turnout suggests that people may be alienated, lack faith in the candidate and parties, think that the government is and will remain unresponsive to their needs and interests, and believe that they cannot achieve change through the electoral process†(Wayne, 85). The voter turnout problem is very hard to solve because low voter turnout itself leads to less voting. The numerous factors that impede voter turnout include: citizens’ political attitudes, demographic factors, and the structure of the electoral system. Some of the impediments are structural, but the most influential impediments are caused by other factors, such as the media, political campaigns, and the American citizens. Overall, the benefits of increasing voter turnout greatly outweigh the costs of doing so. While some proposed solutions may work better than others, it is most important to change voter’s attitudes about politics and make it more convenient for American’s to both register and vote. Higher voter turnout will reverse the relentless cycle of low voter turnout and help lead to a more representative democracy. Bibliography 1. The Road to the White House 2008. 8th edition. Stephen J. Wayne. 20082. Reforming the Republic: Democratic Institutions for the New America. Todd Donowan and Shaun Bowler. 2004
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