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Saturday, May 23, 2020
Atlanta PC Repair Marketing Plan Essay - 953 Words
Atlanta PC Repair Marketing Plan Keller Graduate School of Management MM 522 Summer 10, Session B EXECUTIVE SUMMARY SERVICE DESCRIPTION AND SITUATION ANALYSIS Atlanta PC Repair provides computer, technical, and consulting services to small businesses and home computer users. Our services include, but are not limited to: * Software and hardware repair * Network installation and maintenance * Hardware and Software upgrade services * Training * Business name reflects the concept. . A strong name based on your mission to provide end-to-end business solutions should convey that you are an expert and the only rational choice for your target small business prospects. SWOT ANALYSIS Strengths * High level of†¦show more content†¦* No Brand recognition, but the name is easy to remember and self explanatory. Opportunities * Expend business to offer parts and new computer systems. * Expend the business to consulting, web site development and hosting to all customers. * Established a store front on a busy road near home-based location. Threats * Computer repair business is easy to start with minimal upfront cost making it for competitors to enter the market. * Price war with other home-based computer repair businesses. * Sales Tax collection on parts sold during service calls. * Consumer unwilling to spend because of though economic times. TARGET MARKET There are many potential customers among PC users. The target market of the computer repair business is everywhere; schools, churches, medical facilities, all kinds of businesses including local government, along with private individuals are potential client base. Atlanta PC Repair will primarily target small business clients, offering affordable, on-demand service and maintenance agreements. These customers typically do not have a full-time IT person, but have full-time IT needs. Their time is valuable and every hour spent without a computer is an hour of lost sales. They are high-paying clients that recognize the importance of computers to running successful businesses, and are willing to become steady, loyal customers for years to come. According to US Census data from 2007, there are more thanShow MoreRelatedDell Executive Summary6023 Words  | 25 Pagesthoroughly bitten by the business bug. Dell started college as a pre-med student, but found time to establish a business selling random-access memory (RAM) chips and disk drives for IBM PCs. Dell bought his products at cost from IBM dealers, who, at the time, were required to order from IBM large monthly quotas of PCs, which frequently exceeded demand. Dell resold his stock through newspapers (and later through national computer magazines) at 10-15% below retail. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Importance Of A Safe And Healthy School Education Essay Free Essays
string(88) " been placed under the microscope and answerability in all countries has been demanded\." For more than twenty old ages, research workers and pedagogues have indicated the importance of a safe and healthy school environment in furthering academic accomplishment ( Luiselli, Putnam, Handler, A ; Feinberg, 2005 ; Hymel, Schonert-Reichl, A ; Miller, 2006 ) . Schools are the most important socialisation force next to the household and it is in school where kids form relationships which influence societal and academic results ( Wentzel A ; Looney, 2007 ) . It has been suggested in assorted surveies that a supportive and caring school environment optimizes the academic results of pupils ( Nakamoto, 2008 ; Beran, 2003 ) . We will write a custom essay sample on The Importance Of A Safe And Healthy School Education Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now Caring and supportive school environments can merely happen when the socialisation experiences and relationships of pupils feature credence, tolerance, and regard from both instructors and co-students. To kids, friendly relationships are considered a important facet of development. As they mature and develop, kids are encouraged and expected to hold friends to give them a sense of credence and belonging. Without these equal dealingss, kids become vulnerable to adjustment troubles which can ensue to low self-esteem, anxiousness, solitariness, and depression. Unfortunately, non all kids are able to hold healthy equal dealingss in the class of their academic experience. The absence of equal dealingss or holding debatable equal dealingss makes kids susceptible to victimization. Children who are frequently bullied in school are those who have few friends. They are prone to Acts of the Apostless of bullying or aggression from their equals. The deficiency of equal support and a safe school environment consequences to depression, anxiousness, and in utmost instances, self-destruction ( Rigby, 2000 ) . Bullying as a serious national issue emerged after the Columbine shots in 1999. Since so, strong-arming has become a critical populace policy issue and to day of the month, 43 provinces have adopted antibullying Torahs to protect and safeguard the rights of kids from aggressive and violent Acts of the Apostless of their equals ( Anti-Defamation League [ ADL ] , 2010 ) . In the yesteryear, the job of intimidation was an unfastened secret that was seldom discussed, much less addressed by school functionaries and the community. Educators and parents by and large regarded it as a â€Å" rite of transition †which kids necessarily undergo as portion of the socialisation procedure. Public functionaries and school governments have lobbied for steps to advance safe and healthy school environments and there have been consequences from some intercessions to cut down intimidation. However, strong-arming remains a outstanding issue until today. Recently, the instance of the college freshe r Tyler Clementi who was cyberbullied until he jumped off the George Washington Bridge and high school pupil Phoebe Prince who committed self-destruction after being infinitely bullied by her equals in a Massachusetts public school has confirmed that the battle to set an terminal to victimization in schools has a long manner to travel. Bullying is a chronic job in American schools. Nine out of 10 simple pupils have been bullied by their equals, harmonizing to a simple questionnaire developed by research workers at Lucile Packard Children ‘s Hospital ( 2007 ) and the Stanford University School of Medicine ( Medical News Today, 2007 ) . In the last 15 old ages, much attending has been placed on the issue of strong-arming in schools both in the United States and in other parts of the universe. States like Norway, Sweden, Japan, and Australia have been at the centre of attending on issues related to strong-arming ( Green, 2007 ) . In the United States, many believe that intimidation is nil more than a childhood rite. School intimidation is now accepted as a type of ill will that can hold durable mental effects for pupils that are both victims and culprits ( Green, 2007 ) . Clearly, school intimidation has become a prevailing quandary that interrupts the societal dealingss between pupils, detracts from the positiv e quality of schoolroom experiences, and hinders pupils ‘ chances to larn. Bullying is a menace non merely to a safe and healthy school environment but to kids ‘s academic results every bit good. Ideally, schools provide a wider societal context for kids to develop from their early socialisation experiences within the place. As a effect, kids ‘s societal and emotional experience influences their cognitive development. Furthermore, schools allow pupils to see and larn new things which are critical to their rational development. If the school does non supply such an environment, kids may see societal and rational troubles ( Eccles et al. , 1999 ) . What raises serious concern among the educational community is the determination that intimidation may hold a negative influence in academic accomplishment of pupils. Ecological theoretical accounts of school accomplishment suggest that school results of kids are influenced by the quality of interactions they have with equals, parents, instructors, and other persons ( Broussard A ; Garrison, 2004 ) . H ence, the chronic job of intimidation may discourage kids from experience their full rational development. Childs who are often victimized by their equals whether physically, verbally, or psychologically may endure from larning disengagement low anticipation of success, and accordingly, execute ill on school assignment and accomplishment trials. Particularly relevant to the present survey is research showing important links between school intimidation and academic public presentation ( e.g. , Buhs, Ladd, A ; Herald, 2006 ; Juvonen, Nishina, A ; Graham, 2000 ; Schwartz, Farver, Chang, A ; Lee-Shin, 2002 ) . Students who are victimized by equals are likely to show hapless academic public presentation ( Buhs et al. , 2006 ; Juvonen et al. , 2000 ; Konishi A ; Li, 2006 ; Nishina, Juvonen, A ; Witkow, 2005 ; Schwartz et al. , 2002 ; Schwartz, Gorman, Nakamoto, A ; Toblin, 2005 ) , as are kids who bully others ( Pereira, Mendonca, Neto, Valente, A ; Smith, 2004 ) , consistent with statements that childrenaˆYs societal experiences at school impact their academic public presentation ( see Hymel et al. , 2006 ; Weissberg A ; Durlak, 2005 ) . Not all surveies have demonstrated such associations, nevertheless. Hanish and Guerra ( 2002 ) failed to happen a relationship between equal victimization and accomplishment and Woods and Wolke ( 2004 ) found that accomplishment was significantly linked to relational but non direct signifiers of victimization. Since the 1970s, the public schools in America have been placed under the microscope and answerability in all countries has been demanded. You read "The Importance Of A Safe And Healthy School Education Essay" in category "Essay examples" Parents are familiar with issues of proving and installation safety, but an extra country that has been brought to the head of the state ‘s attending is that of pupil safety. One specific country of important concern has been the issue of strong-arming and the deductions that student behavior can hold on the safety and security of all pupils. Teachers understand the degrees of influence and acknowledge the power of the household, the community, and the popular civilization to act upon behaviour. What they frequently do non understand is the extent or bound of their domain of influence. When instructors are asked to place hazard factors for the development of intimidation, they by and large rank the household and cultural factors such as teleca sting movies, and pop music as holding the strongest impact on kids ‘s development of strong-arming behaviours. When instructors are asked to bespeak which factors they can act upon, they recognize for the most portion, that their influence is limited to the schoolroom and school environment. Teachers are encouraged to concentrate their energy and resources on altering the countries within their domain of influence, that is, the schoolroom and the school. A figure of factors have been identified as lending to pupils sense of safety and belonging at school, but less research has examined the grade to which these factors really impact school public presentation. The present survey examined the function of two school clime factors in footings of their consequence on pupil accomplishment in math and reading. Although enlightening, these surveies focus merely on the person or pupil degree, non taking into history the school degree bunch of pupils. There is a famine of research sing the impact of strong-arming at the school degree in relation to academic public presentation. At the school degree, both strong-arming and teacher-student dealingss are, in kernel, facets of school clime that reflect an overall degree of tolerance for negative interpersonal interactions. As such, both represent school-level factors that can impact academic public presentation. To our cognition, there are no empirical surveies analyzing relationships between school clime, as reflected in reported intimidation and teacher-student dealingss, and single studentsaˆY accomplishment. Consequently, in the present survey, we assessed the linkage between academic accomplishment and intimidation at the school degree utilizing a multilevel analysis technique that allowed us to besides see the possible buffering consequ ence of positive teacher-student dealingss. Specifically, the present survey addressed: ( a ) whether studentsaˆY academic public presentation is related to the schoolaˆYs strong-arming clime ( e.g. , Do pupils in schools that have a batch of strong-arming demonstrate poorer academic public presentation? ) , and ( B ) whether student-teacher connection influences the bullying-achievement relationship ( e.g. , Do pupils who enjoy positive connection with instructors show positive academic accomplishment despite high degrees of strong-arming in their schools? ) . Sexual activity differences were besides explored. Statement of the Problem The job of intimidation has existed since the beginning of clip. The issue of pupil safety in schools as it relates to school-yard intimidation, nevertheless, was brought to the head of the American populace with the calamities at Columbine, Jonesboro, Conyers, and Paducah. The job continues and has been aggravated by the coming of the cyber strong-arming possible. Young people ‘s lives have been impacted for their full hereafter by apparently mindless childhood Acts of the Apostless. Small research exists today on the perceptual experience of public school decision makers in Missouri with respect to strong-arming being a job in their school. In order to turn to the job of the school-yard bully, we must foremost analyze the attitudes and head sets of the work forces and adult females in charge of educating and protecting our immature people during the school twenty-four hours. Before realistic stairss can be taken by decision makers in battling school toughs, one must first und erstand and acknowledge that intimidation is a job. Research reveals that there are so physical, psychological, and emotional jobs exhibited by the victims of strong-arming while go toing school, but old research has made a weak effort to decently link the emotions of the victims with the ability to larn while at school. ( Kumpulainen, K. , A ; Rasanen, E. , 2000 ) Although intimidation is an age old job in America, gender besides plays a major function in the types and features of strong-arming at school ( Crick A ; Grotpeter, 1995 ) . Female and male striplings have a inclination to move and respond otherwise under the force per unit area of a school bully. Traditional signifiers of intimidation still take topographic point throughout schoolrooms and play evidences of American public schools, but in today ‘s universe we are now threatened with an even more powerful and perchance more psychologically detrimental signifier of intimidation, which is normally referred to as â €Å" cyber intimidation †. Purpose of the Study This qualitative instance survey research is an scrutiny of the perceptual experiences of school staff on intimidation and its impact on academic accomplishment. The participants of this survey will include 10 simple class instructors and 5 counsel counsellors of schools belonging to the South Georgia School District. Participants will be chosen through random sampling. Informant interviews will be the primary informations assemblage method to be triangulated with secondary informations beginnings such as school records, studies, accomplishment trials, and other pertinent paperss which may be used to verify and supplement the literature reappraisal for a more thorough treatment of the findings. Data will be analyzed through the qualitative content analysis method. Research Questions The cardinal inquiry addressed in this survey is: How does the school staff perceive intimidation and its relationship with academic accomplishment in simple class pupils? The undermentioned research inquiries guide this thesis: Q1. How do instructors and school psychologists of a South Georgia School District define intimidation? Q2. From the point of position of school staff, what types of intimidation behaviours are prevailing in their several schools? Q3. How does strong-arming act upon the academic results of both bully and victim? Q4. What are their functions and competences in turn toing intimidation in the school environment? Q5. How can instructors and decision makers help turn to school intimidation? Restrictions and Boundary lines This research narrowly evaluates the perceptual experiences of school staff from public simple schools within the South George School District. This research specifically addresses the factors that contribute to strong-arming inside the school premises, the type of strong-arming the instructors observed, and most significantly how intimidation affected the academic public presentation of the victims and culprits. Definition of Key Footings School Achievement is a pupil ‘s comprehension of peculiar information and proficiency with specific accomplishments. Bully refers to person who uses physical or verbal aggression on something of a regular footing against other immature people. Normally, toughs are found to be stronger, bigger, and more aggressive than their equals and victims. Strong-arming refers to Acts of the Apostless which are comprised of direct behaviours such as tease, teasing, endangering, striking, and stealing that are initiated by one or more pupils against a victim. In add-on to direct onslaughts, intimidation may besides be more indirect by doing a pupil to be socially isolated through knowing exclusion. Victim of strong-arming are typically dying, insecure, cautious, and suffer from low self-pride, seldom supporting themselves or revenging when confronted by pupils who bully them. They may miss societal accomplishments and friends, and they are frequently socially isolated. Victimization School Staff Importance of the Study The intent of this survey was to find if there was a perceptual experience that existed or did non be within the ranks of Missouri public school decision makers and pupils of Missouri public schools refering the country of strong-arming among adolescent-age kids. If is the survey revealed that strong-arming in fact existed in public schools in Missouri, what was the impact for the victims of such Acts of the Apostless on their academic accomplishment? If intimidation is determined as a job in schools, do male and female striplings prosecute in strong-arming every bit and by utilizing the same methods? Another cardinal constituent of this survey is to place what, if any, schools policies presently are in topographic point in public schools in Missouri and the possible demand to make and follow extra policies in order to protect the victims of strong-arming. Although this survey could be viewed as a qualitative survey, the research worker has chosen to analyse the informations and deve lop decisions based on the responses of perceptual experiences, academic accomplishment, and policies that are presently found in the questionnaires and studies. This was a descriptive research with the intent of puting a foundation for farther research in specific countries identified as holding possible important impact on pupil public presentation and educator-preparation plans. The end of the survey is to offer through empirical observation researched, educated suggestions and replies sing what and how to make and implement policies covering with all signifiers of intimidation. It is the purpose of the research worker that this information, one time analyzed and dissected, will be a meaningful tool to any school territory in the province of Missouri and around the United States in the country of school policies. It is the premiss of the research worker that this survey will cast new visible radiation on the issues of electronic devices, their usage at school, and the impact that those devices have on the acquisition procedure. How to cite The Importance Of A Safe And Healthy School Education Essay, Essay examples
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Logic Is Not Practical Essay Research Paper free essay sample
Logic Is Not Practical Essay, Research Paper LOGIC IS NOT PRACTICAL Who needs logic? Logic is but an entrapment? a false sense of security to allow us rest easy at dark. Countless Numberss take consolation in the universe in which we live, a universe we know virtually nil about, by coercing themselves to believe that if something is intangible, or impossible, it is impossible. The Spanish told Christopher Columbus in 1492 that he was puting canvas on suicide mission when he discovered North America. Logic had told them, from the get downing of clip, that the universe was level. Of class it is, at least every bit far as the oculus can see. But in this instance, and in many others excessively legion to advert, there is so much beyond what the oculus can see. A modern-time illustration would be the mass self-destruction of 39 Celestial spheres? Gate cult members. They reportedly timed their self-destructions to correlate with the passing of the comet named Hale-Bopp. We will write a custom essay sample on Logic Is Not Practical Essay Research Paper or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page They purportedly believed that their liquors were traveling to rendezvous with a UFO that was enveloped by Hale-Bopp? s tail. How absurd! What an obtuse impression! I am certain these are the same feelings expressed by the Spanish in the 1400? s. Who are we to second-guess person else? s actions? Our civilization is speedy to hit down thoughts that can non be backed up by logic. I feel that this limits the human race enormously. We believe in God. As a whole, we are a state built on Christian beliefs? ? One State Under God? . I? ve neer seen him, nor have I of all time heard him? non in a logical sense. However, these facts make him no less existent. A common belief that is extremely criticized is reincarnation. Some believe it is absurd to believe that all living things are intertwined? that a human can be reborn as a bird, or a fish, or a caprine animal. I can? t retrieve every death and being reborn as a human? or anything else, so I will straddle the fencing on that statement. Everlastingly, we believed that life could non be duplicated by any other agencies than by conventional reproduction. Once once more, we have been educated otherwise. In 1997, two world-renown universities conducted successful experiments cloning animate beings. It began with sheep and monkeys, but now the race is on to clone the foremost human! Logically, we want to believe that this is impossible, but the cogent evidence of the pudding is in the feeding! There? s another smack in the face for logic. Many people wear? t believe angels exist. I believe there are angels among us every twenty-four hours, in everything we do. Little Sara McCloud portions my belief. One twenty-four hours last winter, Sara was get oning her school coach for the afternoon drive place when a alien approached her. The nice aged adult female was technically a alien to her, but Sara agreed to allow the adult female walk her place. Even though this was against her better judgement, Sara knew the 12 blocks weren? t excessively far to walk, and besides, her coach took a really out-of-the-way path to her place, so this manner would likely be much quicker. It wasn? T until Sara arrived place that she realized the importance of this determination. When she stepped onto her front porch, Sara? s distraught mother clutched her tightly in her weaponries. Sara had neer been squeezed so difficult. Her female parent had merely received word that Sara? s school coach had run off an icy span, merely half a stat mi from the school. The small miss reassured her female parent that everything was all right, thanks to her new friend who offered to walk her place. As she turned about to present the sweet old lady, she was gone? vanished without a hint. I feel that this is cogent evidence that there are stronger powers working out at that place. Stronger than that power in our heads? logic. While it is true, that seeing is believing, possibly sometimes we try to see with our eyes shut. A wise instructor one time told me that is? OK to be nescient, it is non All right to be proud of being ignorant. ? Who knows what may blossom in the hereafter? Practically every twenty-four hours logic is disproved. I? ll neer depend on it. But so once more? neer say neer.
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