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Sunday, January 26, 2020
Purchase Behaviour Analysis: Perfumes
Purchase Behaviour Analysis: Perfumes Ajmal Perfumes is a family owned business, based Dubai, United Arab Emirates. It was founded by the Haji Ajmal Ali in the early 1950s, in India and has grown from a modest trading house into a multimillion dollar corporate entity. Through 60 years of experience it acquired rich heritage and know how in the intricate art of perfumery and carved a niche for itself in the perfume industry as an innovator in perfume making and a pioneer in the marketing of perfume products to a global clientele (Ajmalperfume.com, 2011). It is a corporate entity with a vast portfolio of over 300 of the finest and most captivating fragrances and has over 140 exclusive retail outlets across the GCC. Ajmal also has a presence on the international front, currently exporting their exquisite range of products to 30 countries across the world and exclusive presence through select Duty Free locations and Airlines (Ajmalperfume.com, 2011). (Source: http://www.ajmalperfume.com/our_philosophy-pcident-1) Statement of the problem Due to current market conditions, which is highly competitive and dynamically changing, especially in the location of this particular store, Ajmal Perfumes is concerned about the situation around it. Hence this study aims to outline the attributes influencing purchase behaviour Ajmal Perfumes customers. Objective of the Study The main objective of this study is concerned in outlining the factors which influence the buying behavior of Ajmal Perfumes customers in their retail store located in Murshid Bazaar, Deira, Dubai, UAE. Scope and Limitation of the Study Main limitation of this study was the privacy issue, as the store where data collection was held provided limited access to its customer base and information. Hence the study did not covered the demographics of the respondents, which if used could bring a change in the final results in our opinion. Also due to limited resources and lack of time the research was limited only to the branch of Murshid Bazaar located in Deira and its results cannot show the situation in other branches of Ajmal Perfumes in UAE. Significance of the Study The study of consumers buying behaviour as such is an important aspect, as consumers are the main factor of any successful business. It was observed that the importance of predicting the attributes influencing the consumer purchasing behaviour in retail outlets is important. This particular study explores the different aspects that have impact on consumers buying behaviour in the retail outlet of Ajmal Perfumes. The results of which can help to take according actions against weak sides of the business, understand and implement the necessary attributes to increase the satisfaction of customers of Ajmal Perfumes. Definition of Terms Confidence level. A percentage or decimal value that tells how confident a researcher can be about being correct (Zikmund, 2003). Descriptive research. A research designed to describe characteristics of a population or a phenomenon (Zikmund, 2003). Likert scale. A measure of attitudes designed to allow respondents to indicate how strongly they agree or disagree with carefully constructed statements that range from very positive to very negative toward an attitudinal object (Zikmund, 2003). Population. A group of entities sharing some common set of characteristics (Zikmund, 2003). Research instrument. A data collection form such as questionnaire or other measuring device (Zikmund, 2003). Theory. A coherent set of general propositions used to explain the apparent relationships among certain observed phenomena (Zikmund, 2003). Variable. Anything that may assume different numerical or categorical values (Zikmund, 2003). Review of Related Literature Literature review gives a clear display of the related research and or the work which is already done by someone in the similar area of research. This chapter outlines the theories which would help in understanding buying behavior of customers by focusing on the factors influencing it. Theoretical Literature The knowledge of consumer shopping behaviour is an important aspect in developing an effective and successful business. Past researches and theories in consumer behaviour compared to the theoretical and empirical work on brand choice behaviour, suggested that consumers are using shopping strategies rather than brand strategies (Darden and Howell, 1987). Defining shopping behaviour is difficult, because it is a complex and multidimensional concept with several variables. Although the concept shopping orientation is described by researchers from various perspectives, certain major variables are repeated in the different descriptions (Prasad and Aryasri, 2011; Nielsen, 2011). The definitions of shopping orientation reflect a view of shopping as a complex personal, economic, social and recreational phenomenon (Darden and Howell, 1987; Shim and Kotsiopulos, 1993). The behaviour of shoppers differs according to the place where they are shopping and their involvement level with the act of shopping (Berman and Evans, 2005). Cardoso and Pinto (2010) examined hedonic and utilitarian shopping motivations among Portuguese young adult consumers and identifies seven shopping dimensions: pleasure and gratification shopping, idea shopping, social shopping, role shopping, value shopping, achievement shopping and efficiency related shopping. Related Studies Review of the related literature has shown that different researches have stated that customer behavior is influenced by many factors including store image, brand preferences, their budget and etc. Rhee and Bell (2002) stated that shoppers typically have a primary affiliation to a main store that captures the majority of their purchases. Taher et al. (1996) and Sirohi et al. (1998) emphasise that it is important for retailers to systematically seek information of the retail patronage experience and then plan to build store loyalty based on augmented services, including their financial implications. Research conducted processing of store attributes by means of which consumers decide which will be their primary store. It is empirically examined that retail store attributes affect store choice and purchases (Leszczyc and Timmermans, 1997). Store choice and patronage studies have focused on shoppers tendency to concentrate on the same store. The existing models share a set of common variables to predict consumer buying behaviour and patronage behaviour. In this section, those previously established patronage models are briefly reviewed, and then the important constructs are compared and discussed to build a conceptual foundation of the study. The first comprehensive model to illustrate the structural relationships among influencing variables of store choice behaviour was introduced by Monroe and Guiltinan (1975). In their preliminary model of store choice, Monroe and Guiltinan (1975) proposed that consumers store patronage behaviour in changing context is explained by sequential effects of different constructs: shoppers characteristics, strategies for planning and budgeting, importance of store attributes and perception of stores. Finally, the researcher recommended separation of store perceptions and attributes importa nce, because of the relative endurance and generality of the store perception compared to the importance of store attributes. They additionally suggested the importance of experience with a store in the formation of store choice strategies (Laaksonen, 1993; Monroe and Guiltinan, 1975). Monroe and Guiltinans (1975) retail patronage model was refined by Darden and Howell (1987) who emphasized the importance of enduring and stable shopping orientation determining a shoppers store choice. Darden et al. (1980) developed the patronage model of consumer behavior, which gave a comprehensive picture of patronage behaviour. Terminal values, lifestyles, social class, and family were antecedents to shopping orientations. These antecedents with media habits and instrumental values also affected store attributes importance and the evoked store set. The second part of the model was triggered by stimuli that set needs queue in motion and started the information search that led to the evoked store sort. The evoked store set then influenced store attribute importance leading to patronage intentions and patronage behaviour. Schematic Diagram The following diagram shows that product attribute is independent variable, where the purchase behaviour is dependent variable. Attribute Purchase behavior Synthesis When the employees of an organization are facing stressors situations than this will be affecting their job involvement and pushing the organization to the lower level of the productivity. The job involvement is linked to the importance of the work in individuals routine life, which means that if one is giving importance to his/her work certainly he/she is being loyal to his/her work as well as to the organization itself. Effects of employee stress on the job involvement according to the researcher and theorist in the review of related literature has given the picture that stress is affecting the job involvement that causes low efficiency, low productivity, low interest in working, lack of concern for the colleagues and loss of the responsibility, which is slowly pushing organization to the track of loss. Research Methodology Research methodology is a discussion within the body of a research report of the research design, data collection methods, sampling techniques, fieldwork procedures, and data analysis efforts (Zikmund, 2003). Research Design Research design is a master plan specifying the methods and procedures for collecting and analyzing the needed information. It is a framework or blueprint that plans the action for the research project. The objectives of the study determined during the early stages of the research are included in the design to ensure that the information collected is appropriate for solving the problem. The researcher must also specify the sources of information, the research method or technique (survey or experiment), the sampling methodology, and the schedule and cost of the research (Zikmund, 2003). This particular study was based on descriptive research design, focused on describing the characteristics of customer attributes on purchasing behaviour. It used both primary data and secondary data. After the data was gathered, it was coded (Table 2 and 3, Appendix, Page 8) summarized and conclusions were made according to the final results of the study. Respondent of the Study The population for this study was the customers from one of the retail outlets of Ajmal Perfumes mentioned above. For data collection purposes, the intercept technique was used on population elements which had purchased items from the shop and leaving it at a day of data collection. Data was collected using a questionnaire and 64 customers were surveyed, where 14 customers refused to take a part in the survey. Out of those 64 questionnaires 53 were valid, 11 respondents did not completed the questionnaire. Research Instrument In order to determine the factors affecting buying behavior of customers, the researcher used a questionnaire with questions in prearranged order and Likert scale. The questionnaires were given to the customers of Ajmal Perfumes Murshid Bazaar branch located in Deira, Dubai. Validity of the Research Instrument Validity is the accuracy of a measure or the extent to which a score truthfully represents a concept (Zikmund, 2010). Since the researcher has used a questionnaire which has already been used by proper scientific research study (References, Page 6) the survey did not required a validation. But the questionnaire content has been examined for reliability before the actual survey process and was found usable. Data Collection Procedure The data for this study was collected through primary and secondary sources. The primary data for this research design was gathered by distributing questionnaires among the customers of Ajmal Perfumes Murshid Bazaar branch located in Deira, Dubai. The secondary sources of data were theoretical books, research articles, and related research studies. Statistical Tool Analysis The study used statistics in order to analyze the gathered data by using the percentage in order to determine the magnitude of the responses to the questionnaire. The data was coded (Table 2 and 3, Appendix, Page 10) and the appropriate data analytic techniques were used to find out the attributes of the purchasing behavior of stores customers. Descriptive study is undertaken for the purpose to determine and be able to describe the characteristics of the variables of the interest in a situation (Uma Sekaran, 2006). Analysis and Interpretation of data From Table 1 (Appendix, Page 8) and Figure 1 (Appendix, Page 8) which illustrates the outcomes of the study, we can see that the overall results of the study were neutral in general. There was no specific peak in any of the attributes given in the questionnaire. The means for the question 2, question 1, and question 3 with attributes of low price of the products, advertisement of production, and convenient location of the store had the highest means in between 3.32 to 3.21 from overall results. The means for the question 7, question 9, question 4, and question 5 with attributes of credit facility for purchasing our production, recognition of our brand, wide assortments availability and promotional offers by our store were the follow up with the means in between 3.04 to 3.00 from the overall results. The means for the question 10, question 8, and question 6 with attributes of trust on our brand and our production, attractive image of the store, and easy return policy were the lowest with the means in between 2.92 to 2.53 from the overall results. Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations The results of this study shows that the customers rate the attributes almost equally, as the results show the neutral position in almost all the questions, with a small lead in the question 2, question 1 and question 3 accordingly. Conclusions According to the results of the study, we can state that the stores consumers buying behaviour is mostly influenced by the attributes like low price, advertisement and convenient location of the retail outlet of Ajmal Perfumes. Recommendations The recommendations out of this particular study for the managers which concerned at discovering the buying behaviour of consumers would be the following. It is suggested that organise retailers should exercise caution in serving the needs, wants and preferences of potential and existing consumers in order to acquire and retain. The result of the present study will help managers streamline their thoughts to the factors affecting apparel buying behaviour of the consumers before marketing their offerings through organized retail outlets, because the attributes affecting the buying behaviour still remains unknown in most of the cases. References Ajmal Perfumes, Company Profile. Web, 2011 . Berman B, Evans J (2005). Retail Management: A Strategic Approach, Pearson Education, Asia, Singapore. Cardoso PR, Pinto SC. Hedonic and utilitarian shopping motivations among Portuguese young adult consumers, Intl journal of retail, 2010. Darden WR, Howell RD. Socialization effects of retail work experience on shopping orientations, J. Acad., 1987. Mark. Leszczyc Peter TLP, Timmermans HJ. Store Switching Behaviour, Marketing Letters, 1997. Monroe KB, Guiltinan JP. A path analytic exploration of retail store patronage influences. Journal of Cons, 1975. Nielsen AC. Indias affluent consumers prefer larger pack sizes to combat inflation, 2011. http://in.nielsen.com/news/20111010.shtml. Prasad Ch. JS, Aryasri AR. Effect of shopper attributes on retail format choice behaviour for food and grocery retailing in India, Intl journal of retail, 2011. Prasad Y. Ramakrishna. A study on attributes influencing the purchasing behaviour of apparel consumers in organized outlets. African Journal of Business Management Vol.6 (45), 2012. Rhee H, Bell DR. The inter store mobility of supermarket shoppers, Intl journal of retail, 2002. Taher A, Leigh TW, French WA. Augmented retail services: the lifetime value of affection, Intl Journal of Bus. Res, 1996. Uma Sekaran. Research Methods for Business, 4th Edition. John Wiley Sons Inc, New York, 2003. William G. Zikmund, Barry J. Babin, Jon C. Carr, Mitch Griffin. Business Research Methods, 8th Edition. South Western Centage Learning, 2010. ISBN-13: 978-1-4390-8070-2. William G. Zikmund. Business Research Methods, 7th Edition. South Western Educational Publishing, Canada, 2003. ISBN-13: 978-8131500293 Is Media the Fourth Pillar of Democracy? Is Media the Fourth Pillar of Democracy? Media as critics say plays a vital role in democracy. In India, media has always been considered as the fourth pillar of democracy. In the eighties public service broadcaster â€Å"Doordarshan†was the only television channel. The number of national newspapers in circulation was exiguous. The 21st century scenario is different. While the print media has seen a tremendous upsurge with the number of national newspapers increasing in circulation, television news channels have multiplied in numbers. There are more than 25 national news channels and more than 70 national newspapers and magazines now delivering news and happenings across India and the entire globe every minute. Be it Arnab Goswami interviewing Rahul Gandhi in â€Å"Times Now†or spin doctors from various political parties taking part in a debate in the â€Å"Prime Time†, news channels television has always been a front runner in providing information related to almost every happening. Is media really the fourth pillar of democracy in India is matter of concern today. While the role of media is to convey news, views and opinions of citizens in democracy, one must ask how much of the news is accurate. Are the journalists biased? Do they manipulate information? In our democracy media has the responsibilities to be honest, unbiased and more importantly exercise restraint to avoid unnecessary hype for the sake of gaining attention of the gullible public and thereby increase what we call T.R.P. (Television Rating Point). Sadly media has weaponised political parties in India. During 2013’s Anna Haraze’s movement demanding â€Å"Lok Pal Bill†to curb corruption,India witnessed social networking sites like Facebook, Tweeter playing crucial roles. Consequently it led to the formation of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) which Robert Vadra, son-in-law of UPA Chairperson Sonia Gandhi described as â€Å"Mango People†. Hence, it is undeniable, social networking sites act similar to mainstream television media. BJP Prime Ministerial candidate Narendra Modi nicknamed â€Å"NaMo†in social media has used this platform quite effectively in the recent past than nobody could imagine. A Bunch of ministers in New Delhi used this platform but nobody was able to touch the height that â€Å"NaMo†achieved. So, you cannot deny the fact that social media which is treated as alternative media now comes under the umbrella of mainstream media. Many of politicians own news channel. Now the question arises do these news channels play a role in their political careers? Here, I would like to highlight some of the facts of media that will raise your eyebrows; that will make you ponder whether there is a nexus between media and political parties in India. Many politicians use PR agency to highlight their so called achievement in social media like Facebook or Tweeter as well as in mainstream media. Many political parties have dummy columnists and unofficial spokesman to put forward their agendas in those media. â€Å"The Hindustan Times†is one of the oldest national newspapers in India. Shobhna Bhartia is the Chairperson and Editorial Director of Hindustan Times group. Currently she is an MP in the Rajya Sabha and working for the Congress. Shobhna is the daughter of K.K. Birla who was elected a Rajya Sabha member in 1984 by the Congress party. Political affairs editor of â€Å"The Hindustan Times†, Vinod Sharma is well known debater. Mr. Vinod is a congress spokesman to all TV panels. Insight stories revealed he is behind the Rajya sabha seat presently occupied by his boss, Shobhana Bhartia. Both Vinod Sharma and Shobhna Bhartia’s stand on many issues are pro congress. Veteran journalist Vinod Mehta, ex editor of â€Å"Outlook†magazine, is well known for his pro Congress and anti BJP stands. Presently his affinity towards the AAP is a cause of concern for the Congress. Vir Sanghvi, ex editor of â€Å"Sunday†the now defunct magazine was recently in news for all the wrong reasons of Radiagate scandal. He was another mouthpiece of the Congress party. Narasimhan Ram (N. Ram) is a prominent member of the Kasturi family that controls The Hindu group of publication. The Hindu’s N. Ram, ex editor in chief, was once a vice president of the Student Federation of India (SFI), the student wing of the CPM. Frontline is treated as one of the best national magazines of India. It is owned by N. Ram. He is referred to as the left wing editor and is famous for his stand favouring Maoist-Naxalite. Kumar Ketkar, editor of â€Å"Divya Marathi†and a well known debater in Times Now’s â€Å"News Hours†is an unofficial spokesman of the Congress party. There are reports claiming that he is the one to prepare speeches for Members of the Congress during elections. He is one of the five privileged journalist who got invitation from the PMO (Prime Minister’s Office) for a private press meet in June, 2011. Dileep Padgaokar, a veteran journalist and an interlocutor of JK, has never expressed critical views against the Con gress. Shekhar Gupta, editor in chief of â€Å"The Indian Express†owned by Goenka Group, is yet another mouthpiece of the Congress. Mr Gupta hit the headlines recently for his views against ex General V.K. Singh in the â€Å"The Indian Express†. A regular columnist in â€Å"The Times of India†, Swapan Das Gupta, under the banner of â€Å"Right Wrong†, has been well known for his pro BJP stand in his articles. Rajya Sabha PM and BJP spokesman, Chandan Mitra is the editor in chief of â€Å"The Pioneer†. He is a regular debater in many TV panels in India where he speaks favouring the BJP. Tarun Tejpal owner and ex editor of â€Å"Tehelka†magazine was recently in news for sexual insensibility. He is well known for his pro Congress stand. He has never exposed any scam of the Congress Party during the last ten years tenure of the UPA though he was one of the pioneers in string operation basically done by mainstream media to expose scams. He exposed ex BJP president Bangaru Laxman in 2001. His silence on scams during the UPA regime raises big questions. CPM’s senior member of Politburo and Parliamentary Group Leader, Sitaram Yechury’s wife, Seema Chisthi is the Resident Editor of â€Å"The Indian Express†. Mrs. Seema is known for writing blogs in the internet about left ideology and about her husband. One of highly circulated Hindi national newspaper is â€Å"Dainik Jagaran†, promoted by Mahendra Mohan Gupta. Mr. Gupta has affinity towards the BJP is clearly reflected in his newspaper. Prannoy Roy and his wife Radhika Roy are the promoters of the NDTV. Radhika is Brinda Karat’s sister, a Politburo member of the CPM. She is well known for her views against Ramdev, the yoga guru. Brinda’s husband Prakash Karat is the CPM Politburo General Secretary. He is currently busy making third front in Indian politics by having talks with Jayalalita and other regional parties of India. May be this is the reason why NDTV has never expressed any critical views on CPM and CPI. NDTV is pro Maoist and Naxalite thanks to Prakash Karat. Prannoy Roy’s first cousin Arundhati Roy author of â€Å"The God of Small Things†also needs mention in this regard. Another high profile anchor on NDTV is Sonia Singh, wife of Ratanjit Narain Singh, MP from â€Å"Kushinagar†constituency and Minister of State in Ministry of Home Affairs. She is famous for her pro Congress and anti BJP stands. Nidhi Razdan, the beautiful lady who hosts the programme called â€Å"Left Right Centre†on NDTV is the present girlfriend of JK Chief Minister, Omar Abdullah who recently divorced his wife Payal. Nidhi has never expressed any negative views on Omar Abdullah or his party â€Å"National Conference†. The infamous Barkha Dutta who received the Padma Shri from the UPA Government has always spoken the pros of the congress. She was exposed in the Radiagate scandal in 2013. Rajdeep Sardesai is the editor in chief of CNN IBN promoted by TV 18. He is the son of Indian Cricketer Dilip Sardesai, is famous for his pro Congress agendas. His father in law Bhaskar Ghose was the chief of Prasar Bharati (i.e. Doordarshan) during Indira Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi’s regimes. Bhaskar Ghose was well known for his personal loyalty to the Nehru- Gandhi dynasty. Now his daughter Sagarika Ghose (wife of Rajdeep Sardesai) and son in law use CNN IBN as a platform to promote the Congress. Now let us have an insight into the famous CNN IBN’s media personality Karan Thapar’s story. Before joining CNN IBN he was the host of â€Å"Hard Talk India†on BBC India. He is the son of General Pran Nath Thapar, brother-in-law of Nayantara Sehgal (daughter of Vijaylakshmi Pandit, niece of our first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru). Karan Thapar is believed to be a famous Congress stooge. Shuhasani Heider is another well known journalist on CNN IBN. She is the da ughter of BJP’s Subramaniam Swamy. Mr. Swamy is famous for his pro Hindu agenda. His daughter has never pointed a finger at him. Though Times Now, promoted by Times of India Group has displayed some positive prospects with the aid of services provided by journalists like Arnab Goswami. It is leading in TRP among news channels in India not because of Arnab Goswami’s pro BJP statement but for the scams he exposed in the last three years that includes 2G auction scam, Commonwelth games scam, Caolgate scam, Augusta Wetland scam, FIRs against Jagdish Tytler, Former Railway Minister Pawan Kumar Bansal’s job scam etc. But such positive prospects are a rare occurrence. News 24, the Hindi news channel owned by Rajiv Shukla, the famous Congress MP in Rajya Sabha and Cricket administrator in BCCI is another platform used by the Congress to promote its propaganda. Presently this channel has been busy promoting image makeover for Rahul Gandhi (â€Å"The Congress Prince†as some people say). Similarly Star News, ABP News are reported to broadcast biased reports for the Congress. Whereas Aaj Tak promoted by the India Today Group, was initially known for its pro Congress activity, recently it has become an anti congress lobby. Aaj Tak was famous for Congress spokesman and Supreme Court Lawyer Abhishek Manu Singhvi’s Sex CD scandal. South India displays a much vivid misuse of media in politics. Most of the television news channels are controlled by leading regional political parties. Sun TV Network is owned by Kalanidhi Maran, brother of Dayanidhi Maran, ex Cabinet Minister of Communication and IT of the UPA government who has been exposed in the 2G scam. Sun TV Network owns â€Å"Sun TV†, â€Å"Gemini TV†, â€Å"Teja TV†, â€Å"Surya TV†, ‘Kiran TV†, â€Å"Udaya TV†, â€Å"Surjo TV†among other channels. Murosoli Maran, father of Kalanidhi and Dayanidhi, ex Union Minister from DMK party published the following Tamil magazines- Kungumam, Muththaram, Vannathirai and Sumangali. Murosoli Maran’s uncle M. Karunanidhi, ex Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, from DMK party launched â€Å"Kalaignar TV†in 2007 which is now controlled by his eldest son M.K. Azhagiri. One of the daughters of M. Karunanidhi is Kanimozhi, MP of Rajya Sabha from DMK party who had been imprisoned for 2G scam last year. Kanimozhi conducted programs in â€Å"Sun TV†and â€Å"Vijay TV†. Those mainstream media controlled by DMK party are used for DMK propaganda in Tamil Nadu as well as in other parts of India. The present CM of Tamil Nadu, Jayalalitha, from AIADMK party, is not far behind. She owns the Jaya Network that runs â€Å"Jaya TV†in Tamil Nadu. â€Å"Jaya TV†was effectively used by Jayalalitha to promote herself and her party in last Assembly Elections in Tamil Nadu. Cherukuri Ramoji Rao is a well known business tycoon from South India. He hails from from Andhra Pradesh and owns â€Å"E TV†, which produces contents in Telugu, Marathi, Kannada, Oriya, Bangla, Gujarati Urdu and Hindi. Mr. Ramoji is reported to be close to Chandra Babu Naidu, head of Telugu Desam Party. Mr. Chandra babu has used these electronics media for his party’s propaganda. Assam has also fallen prey to such media misuse activity. Mention may be made here of News Live. Riniki Bhuyan Sharma, wife of Dr. Hemanta Biswa Sharma, the renowned politician of Assam is the managing director of News Live. â€Å"News Live†has always extended its helping hands to the Congress. Jayanta Baruah a business man of Guwahati is the owner of â€Å"News Times Assam†, a regional news channel. Jayanta Baruah had won a ticket for to Rajya Sabha from the AGP (Axom Gana Prarishad). He was not elected to Rajya Sabha thanks to horse trading managed by the Congress. Currently News Times Assam is busy exposing the anomalies of the Congress in Assam. The â€Å"Dainik Protidin†, highly circulated Assamese news paper promoted by Jayanta Baruah is yet another paper that speaks against the congress. A monthly magazine that always speaks in favour of the congress is the â€Å"Eclectic North East†, one of the fast growing monthly magazines of Assam. Gaurav Gogoi (son of Tarun Gogoi, the Chief Minister of Assam) is one of the Directors of the magazine. Gaurav Gogoi will contest the upcoming 2014 General election from â€Å"Kaliabor†constituency. In a nutshell, â€Å"The Hindu†is favoured by the supporters of the left as it reflects their concerns. â€Å"The Pioneer†is rightwings, the editor being a spokesman of BJP. â€Å"The Hindustan Times†is centrist, which favours the Congress. And so on. Be it official or unofficial, political parties have always produced their own spokesperson, groomed for specific television news channels. No doubt Journalists as responsible citizens have the right to freedom of speech and thereby hold political opinions. But what makes a Journalist complete is by being fair, honest and unbiased. A journalist interested in mere politics has always an option to join the political party of his or her own choice and allow journalism stay pure. Ashutosh Gupta, ex Managing Editor of IBN 7, who joined AAP recently, has set an example in this regard. Otherwise, it’s quite advisable that a statutory warning just as we find in cigarette packets be issued.
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